Shady Grady

When God commanded genocide of the Canannites/Amalelites was that a moral act?
When God tells Moses that all of the enemies are to be slaughtered except for the young virgin girls, who are to be kept for the Israelite warriors, was that a moral act?
When God required sacrifice of Jephthah 's daughter was that a moral

He's not black. He never identified as black except when he was trying to use certain stereotypes while chasing low class white women. He's "Cablinasian". So good luck and god bless to him. Let the Cablinasian community support him in his time of need.

It's truly amazing the lengths to which people would go to deny other citizens constitutional rights of free speech and free assembly.

Just asking. I don't think a tilt towards individual rights is a bad thing. I think it's interesting how different political groups at different times have thought that the US needs to have fewer individual rights and more focus on the community. It all depends on whose ox is being gored.

The highest marginal corporate tax rate in American history was 52% while the highest individual marginal income tax rate was 92%. I don't think there's any desire to go back to those rates or to have some sort of maximum wealth point.

Which individual rights do you want to gve up?

Hmm. I always read that Blacks started Decoration Day to honor Union soldiers-black ones, but was then changed into Memorial Day. Like anything else thought could have different origins.…

This is pretty much the exact reason that the Panthers were formed in the first place. A lot of this would seem to violate laws around illegal search. But I'm no lawyer. I know it's not just Philly though. I think on Politico a few months back there was a story about similar incidents in Baltimore. Or maybe it was

Wasn't there some sort of apology scene in "The Color Purple". I definitely remember a scene like that in "Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry".

I would have to hurt someone. This **** is intolerable.

So armed agents of the state insult, harass and arrest a black woman because she refused to apologize to white people though she did nothing illegal. So where are all the (white) libertarians, live free or die nuts, and don't tread on me types?

It's about respect. Time is one thing we can't get back. When someone consistently shows up late for events that lets me know that they don't respect the organizer of the event. If I didn't pay someone the full amount owed for their work and claimed I didn't see the big deal, presumably they'd get the message. In a

I've seen her on Snap and FB getting nails and hair done and have yet to hear anything about when my $300 will be repaid

Actually, black women are not the most educated folks in the US. That's a misconception based on college enrollment rates.