Shady Grady

Different cultures, different tolerances for noise.

I do not see how you are tying your premises together.

Not at all. I'm merely saying that pessimism about human nature doesn't mean you must accept religion as real. You can be something of a Hobbesian without believing in God.

I disagree with this. You can believe that people are mostly good or mostly bad without having to believe in the supernatural.…

What changes in the law would you like to see?

You continue to miss the point, deliberately.

Your appeal to authority duly noted but you're 100% wrong. I won't be so snide as to to make any comments regarding your education.

That's the same fellow who wrote about "the disease of the Arab Mind". Israel firster, neo-con, he'll fit in well at the NYT.

It is an opinion. You are free to believe and say whatever you like. Some conservatives (racists) believe that non-whites are largely incapable of building successful societies. Others think that giving women the vote was a bad idea. Some think that Jews are the source of all evil. And so on. Those are odious beliefs

Should someone be able to purchase "Mein Kampf"?
Wear a Confederate Flag/Nazi Low Rider T-Shirt?
Say that slavery was a good thing?
Say that the Native Americans were wasting the continent?
Say that women are better off in the house?
Argue that Blacks are inherently mentally and morally inferior?

No. There is no "hate speech" exception to free speech. You can argue that there should be but currently there isn't. There is a pretty detailed and thorough takedown of this by a law professor here.

Yup. People ask if my Shepherd is friendly and I say no and keep moving. I'm not lying though. The dog doesn't care for other dogs or most people.

You never talk to or touch another person's dog without permission. Stupid and dangerous.
And anybody who kisses dogs is nasty.

Zeppelin. Only clunkers were the last two releases.

There were and still are a fair number of people who are convinced that because of declining white demographics that Democrats/liberals will win. This explains the derision of Republicans as a white male party or the post-election emphasis on the fact that Clinton won the popular vote. Prior to the election there were

Fair enough. As long as it is based on convictions and not charges/allegations fine.

If you can't define what you mean by "better background checks" then your prescription is unhelpful.