Shady Grady

Outside of felony conviction check and check for current or past involuntary confinement in mental asylum what sort of additional background checks would you like?

I am not deflecting. I don't know how many times I need to point out that the law applies to all Presidents. All Presidents have ignored it when they have found it convenient. It is incredibly hypocritical for there to be a post taking Trump to task for dropping bombs in Afghanistan when outside of the people at

I didn't say that Obama started war. He expanded it and increased it. Obama bombed Syria without explicit Congressional approval by stating that going after ISIS and Al-Nusrah and a few other organizations was already covered under an AUMF. This argument leaves out the fact that those organizations did not exist when

President Obama was the first two term President to be at war every day he was in office. He publicly dropped bombs and ordered assassinations in at least seven countries: Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan. And he generally did so without any Congressional approval or opprobrium from his

If that were a relative or other loved one, then sure. But I should risk being arrested and/or shot for someone I don't know from Adam? Nah.

=) I've had plenty of bad minutes, bad days, bad weeks and bad years. Haven't abused or killed anyone so far. I think the gun is just a tool that brings out whatever is already there. I do think that criminals should be more harshly punished for having guns. And there does need to be more federal and state law

The whole thing about rights though is that they don't have to be justified. The state has to justify taking them away. I dislike the general right-wing culture around gun ownership. That said if you're not a felon, haven't been forcibly placed in a mental institution and are physically capable of safely operating a

Who is "we" ? I can handle the responsibility just fine.

I generally separate the art from the artist. And even when I don't or can't I don't try to prevent others from enjoying the art.

1) I didn't make any comparison between Trump and Obama other than to note that both of them initiated military action against countries that did not attack them and did not bother to get Congressional approval as required by the Constitution and the War Powers Act. Both of them also said that that sort of thing was

It's questionable if Assad did this.

Obama never asked for nor received Congressional approval for the war in Libya. The problem is systemic.


Not unless I am going to rent this property to a relative. Otherwise I'm not buying a property unless the market rent allows me to make a profit.

Interesting but since it's the Observer I don't know how much validity to give to it. And I'm not a Smiley fan.