Shady Grady

Crystal Wright and Star Parker are just as hateful and spiteful as any black male conservative.

I think this piece is over thinking the end of the film and putting things in that aren't there.
Chris killed three visibly white people including a white woman. He was in the process of killing Rose when what he thought were the police showed up. I think that is why he stopped and why Rose started smiling. Most people

The line is not imaginary. And why should a citizen be clamoring for a non-citizen to have the same rights? Mexicans in particular are as a group notorious for not being overly fond of black people. So until such time as that changes why should black citizens spend their limited time and resources on some open borders

Yes it was one of the reasons. Self-righteously refusing to talk to or engage with people works well when you are in the overwhelming majority. But this is a big country. Lots of different people vote. There was a politico article a few months back that discussed the Clinton's campaign dismissal of the need to engage

Detroit people of a certain age might recall this advice:

😃 Indeed.. but for me it was always a reminder that someone else always has it worse. I agree though, Wanda Robinson had a way with words..

Not saying it's the best way of building wealth but it is the biggest asset most people will ever have and a way by which wealth is transmitted over generations. It's also something from which black people have been excluded from over generations.

To play Devil's Advocate for a moment, how can society force people to live together when the larger group- regardless of gender, ethnicity, location, political differences, etc- have all made it clear that they don't want to live next to the minority group?

I think that is slightly disingenous on her part. It's not about false equivalency or respectablity politics or making a fetish of reasoned debate. It's about accepting that the only reason for violence is self-defense.

Most of the teachers I know do not want to spend time doing after-school care. Many of them feel that they do too much parental type work as it is. When school is out they have their own work/children to look after.

I'll have to check it out. I recently got Santana's autobiography but haven't had time to read it yet.

"The question is how do we reach people in Red America?".

Perhaps your buddy is looking for arguments from you that he can use with other white people as to why the film's depictions are racist.

Fair enough but IIRC even after recount in Wisconsin Trump picked up voters in Wisconsin.
The recounts in other places were stopped so all we can really go with is the official totals.