Shady Grady

Actually Stein voters alone would not have given Clinton the victory.
Even if all of Stein's voters and half of Johnson's voters voted for Clinton, Trump still would have won,

A lowly ranked male tennis player already beat both Serena and Venus Williams. He did so pretty soundly too. Serena is great for a woman player but the men are playing on a completely different level.

Illegal immigration is not a force of nature. No one in Mexico or points further South has the right to move to the US without permission because of economic reasons. All across the developed world there's a reaction to illegal immigration. If it had been dealt with earlier we wouldn't have Trump as President.

Yes. Hurling insults at people who disagree has worked so smashingly well for Democrats hasn't it? I mean just look at all the Democratic victories across this nation of ours.

I actually listened to what she had to say. I disagreed with her. That''s still allowed here as far as I know.
But no I don't have a lot of respect for anyone who thought as recently as September that Russia was still Communist.

Reid is a commentator not an economist. There's a fair amount of data driven arguments by economists, including Robert Reich, that NAFTA has cost Americans jobs and helped increase inequality within America. I don't give a damn about the middle class in Mexico and neither does anyone in the Midwest who just lost their

The recent election showed that having huge numbers of whites who are alienated from the political economy gives us people like Trump and the virtual decimation of the Democratic party. So just telling them "to get educated" doesn't do anything. And whites still have more college degrees (and wealth) than Blacks and

Q: Do you have anything to say Mr. Bannon?
A: Yeah I got something to say. F*** All Y'All!!

Is there any way for the left to embrace nationalism? Because right now that is what is driving things in many of the areas you mention.

Butch Trucks and Mary Tyler Moore passed away. So it goes.

The speed with which Trump is moving confuses and demoralizes opponents. People are trying to rally to the front on one issue when they learn that they've been outflanked somewhere else. It's smart politics.

We'll see. Could be anything. I agree that the President's tweet was vague. But it's not as if there's not precedent for federal involvement in both prosecutions and arrests whether local authorities ask for them or not. RFK forced the FBI to get involved in harassing Chicago Outfit guys; Hoover bugged his cabinet

The Chicago Police Board Chairwoman recently said that Chicago needs Federal help-specifically on federal gun prosecutions. It could be that the President was talking about this.

Roughly half of those who voted, voted for Trump. And people who voted for Trump are far more likely to be armed. If it came to routine physical confrontation the left would get smoked. So it shouldn't come to it.

Sanders was always against the TPP. No one should expect him to suddenly be for it because Trump is against it.

Well, "For what's it's worth" wasn't an anti-war song. It was about the curfew riots. Stills later said that he didn't want Buffalo Springfield to be a protest group. Who knows what he thinks about the song today (shrugs)

Well it's not just Bernie, though, first off. Trump is coming at the same issue from the right but the main thing is that for a lot of middle class people in the US, Europe etc globalization hasn't really helped. In fact it's hurt. I can't find the exact article now but the NYT has been running some pretty good recent

We can stop the bleeding though. The developed world is leaning towards more protectionism, nationalism and mercantilism. It was bound to happen.