Shady Grady

Trade doesn't break so much left/right as nationalist/globalist, albeit for different reasons.
Sanders, Baldwin and Casey announce support for Trump's TPP decision.

Well everything was ancedotal evidence until the actual election, no? =)
But people in my home state tried to tell Clinton that something was out there, that the center wasn't going to hold, that she needed to do things differently. And they were patted on the head and ignored. There was actually a pretty interesting


Nixon also extended affirmative action in federal employment and contracting.
He created the EPA and OSHA.
He signed the Clean Air Act.
He signed Title IX.
He introduced the Equal Educational Opportunities Act.
He indexed Social Security to inflation.
He started the SSI program.

I must disagree with that. If we ignore the Presidents who actually owned slaves we still have had Presidents who belonged to the Klan, Presidents who openly advocated white supremacy, Presidents who oversaw the destruction and murder of black nationalist/civil rights leaders and organizations, Presidents who spied on

IF MLK can meet with a racist like LBJ to advocate for positions beneficial for Black Americans, black people should be able to meet with Trump.
White people are meeting with Trump to get what they want and take measure of the man who will be President.…

Carson will have to be awake to actually do anything at HUD. My bet is that he sleeps thru most of his staff meetings before someone finally tells him that's a bad look for the boss. Seriously though I don't think he knows or cares about any housing issues. He will make a few speeches and spend the majority of his

The blue wall holding was a horrible assumption as Democrats in the Rust Belt tried to tell HRC. But she didn't want to listen. Literally did not want to hear it. So it goes. People still want to blame Bernie or Stein or Johnson rather than look at why HRC lost. If people continue to do that then the Democratic party

They don't have the muscle (numbers) for that. This is even more the case since Reid eliminated the filibuster for non-SC nominees. I believe that an individual Senator could still place a hold on a vote for a given nominee but I think it's up to the Senate Majority leader if that hold would be honored. But I'm not

I think that the core base of Trump voters already had immense disdain for all of the mainstream media. The media and the Republican establishment couldn't stop Trump in the primary or the general. It is what it is. There are some issues which Trump raised which resonated with his voters. Nothing the media tried would

Presumably your viewpoint about the President's love for children might be a tad different if you or yours were on the business end of CIA drones. I know that a lot of people seem to wish we didn't have a 22nd amendment but an honest look at the President has to include both the good and bad that he's done. It's

Except for the children he bombs. Those he doesn't love so much.

Yes. Sammy Davis Jr. guested for 1-2 episodes. Jean Bell and Cookie Gilchrist had small recurring roles.

Not lies.