Shady Grady

The best part of Joplin's singing was the part just before she started and right after she stopped. Sublime. Same for Winehouse.

Global warming is Black men's fault too.
The war in Syria.
Trump's election.
The Fall of Constantinople.
The Saxon loss at Hastings.
The Pearl Harbor attack.
People calling carbonated beverages "soda".
All the fault of dem ebil black mens….


Russia hasn't been Communist since 1991. The Cold War has been over.

If, as is being argued in this post and elsewhere, it's true that Trump voters were all racists there's no way that any of them should have ever voted for Obama once, let alone twice. That some did at least suggests that racism is not the sole motivating factor.

Why did some of the Trump voters vote for Obama in 2008 and 2012?

It has not been confirmed that Russia or Putin hacked Podesta's emails. If someone has evidence that Putin or Russian agents did so they should make it public. Otherwise all we are doing is repeating rumors and innuendo from intelligence agencies that are well, known to lie.

The portion of the economy which Clinton counties may represent is irrelevant. Unfortunately for Clinton she could not stop Trump from breaking the "blue wall" of the Midwest.


There is only one God and his name is Death. And there is only one thing we say to Death. Not today.

Apparently so. He won.

You're missing the point and I think it's deliberate:

How are you defining "modern era"? George Wallace, Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan all ran overtly racist campaigns. And they were all at least as racists as Trump.

" Your comments seem to be about re-centering whiteness and making sure that there is no criticism or accountability for those who supported the most overtly racist campaign of the modern era"

It can be done (coalition building) but people won't like the process. I don't like many of PBO's stances but he's a political genius.

60 million voters were motivated primarily/solely by racism, even those in union-friendly states who had previously voted for a black man, twice.

Perhaps they were all troglodytes motivated by sexism and racism. Perhaps. But if the Democratic party wants their votes it needs to be able to talk to those people. Telling them that they are all a bunch of racist sexist troglodytes probably won't motivate them to vote Democratic.