Shady Grady

Apparently she wasn't very convincing. Trump was. Part of the reason was that Clinton wasn't even talking about outsourcing and trade policy until Trump brought it up. Trump ran as an economic nationalist, despite his own record of outsourcing.

And yet Clinton lost Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin even though Obama won all those states. Facts. So perhaps the Democrats should listen to the people who voted against them to understand why. Or Democrats can just continue to assume that every Trump voter is both racist and unreachable. I don't think

I agree that Trump is a con. But who knows if Chris Vitale's analysis of his interests is absurd or not. What we do know is that Clinton did not reach out to people like Chris Vitale and thus did not get his vote. Given that the purpose of a campaign is to win the Democrats need to step back from their approach and

"Many of his supporters here were blue-collar Obama voters who saw modern-day Republicans as out of touch with their interests until Mr. Trump, with his brash outsider message, came along.

When Symone Sanders says " We don't need white people leading the Democratic party right now.", is that a statement which is going to help the Democratic party win more white voters or is that a statement which is going to make the Democratic party lose more white voters?

That's not the entire story though since the State of Michigan has been in direct control of DPS more or less since 1999 with only a brief respite. The deficit and associated problems have worsened under state control.

I don't think it takes more guts not to fight back. It takes more guts to fight back, knowing that you might lose but willing to risk it all. Not fighting back against white violence is cowardly. I prefer to remember those black ancestors who did fight back.

Family is more important than politics, even if a given family member is dumber than a bag of dirt.
Since some people don't know how to disagree without beng disagreeable though sometimes you may just need to limit the terms of discussion. One aunt of mine was a huge Clinton supporter and after a few people came

Telling people that you're right, they're wrong and that they're stupid to boot, may actually be correct. I work with folks similar to a lot of the people described. But it doesn't help you win elections.

I believe that many if not all white people have some level of racist bias. It would be difficult to grow up in this country without that. There is though a range of difference between someone who realizes that and attempts to challenge it, someone who doesn't think about it (most people) and someone who positively

President Obama won a higher level of white working class voters than Clinton did.
Those voters were not all non-racist because they voted for Obama.

That's a decent point which is in danger of being lost. Many of Trump's most vociferous supporters are racist. But many others aren't or rather aren't more racist than average. People who previously voted for Obama voted for Trump this time. The Democrats need to understand why so they can change policy,message and

Eh? He could have made a recess appointment. But the President just can't put people on the Supreme Court if the Senate doesn't approve.

Clinton is also old and white so why describe Sanders that way?

"But let’s not deceive ourselves. We aren’t going to win anything. What happened on Tuesday is a disaster, both for liberalism and for the world. As President Trump goes about settling scores with his former rivals, picking fights with other countries, and unleashing his special deportation police on this group and

And that is why I think the players made a big mistake agreeing to max contract rules. Why should the players protect the owners from themselves, especially when the owners stick up the public to get free money for their arenas. There is the argument about competitive balance but I think the argument that max

I have actually seen this fellow on my commute a few times.