Shady Grady


Or in September, October and November. I like having some time where I don't have to pay the utility company for heat or AC.

50 degrees is nice. I wouldn't have a coat at 50 degrees or turn the heat on in the house.

If someone were to swim in 40 degree water there's a good chance they wouldn't last long at all.
"Cold" as defined in the dictionary doesn't have anything to do with sub-freezing. All cold means is that the temperature is uncomfortably low for people.

Not in Michigan. =)

It's not cold until it's below 40 degrees.

It's actually not true that Obama has deported more illegal immigrants than Bush. What has occurred is that the definition of deportation has changed to include people immediately turned away at the border. These people were previously not counted as deportations.…
But the portrait of a

Hmm. Is it possible to tell someone that they don't have a right to a jury for a criminal charge? How does that mesh with Sixth Amendment and Article 3, Section 2?

Yes. I realize that few rape charges are proven to be false. But statistics don't say anything about an individual case. Let's say that over the years 1% of rape charges are proven to be false, not just unproven but demonstrably false. Instead of a trial we give the defendant a paper bag with 99 one dollar bills and

With the evidence they had it's a good thing that Rose was found not liable.
People do lie. Innocent people are found wrongly liable for crimes. People act as if accusation means automatic guilt. No. If an accuser's attorney withheld exculpatory evidence I don't think the accused should be found liable.

Lincoln won over 200 wrestling matches and physically removed hecklers from his speeches.
He was also roughly Baracks's weight but about 3 inches taller.

It depends. Some do some don't. If I hire a roofer I don't need to know his politics. I'm interested in the quality and cost of his work.

Maybe it's because I am older and jaded or maybe it's because I live/work in SE mich which is one of the more segregated areas around but I don't have a lot of positive expectations for the majority culture. Aren't most white men voting for Trump? I know I work with some, including a few birthers. If I know ahead of

I don't care about someone's politics as long as they're doing the job I hired them to do.

Yes he did. It was during the primaries. The tow truck driver was a Trump backer who dislikes anyone he thinks of as left-wing. He said God told him not to provide service. He told the woman, who was apparently handicapped, to call the government for a tow.

Do I think that either will win this year? No I do not.
Do I think that I can vote for a person who is going to continue an overly militarized foreign policy, attack civil liberties at home, turn a blind eye to the Palestinians, continue giving military weaponry and training to police and do a whole host of things with

But if enough people voted for the third party candidate, he or she would win. And for my preferences that would be the right thing for the country. I understand your fears but I am just fed up (not with you) with the idea that if I don't vote for someone I despise then it's the beginning of the Apocalypse.

And yet Black people voted overwhelmingly for Mondale in 1984. Everyone knew Mondale wasn't going to win the election. He won exactly one state.
Just because someone isn't going to win doesn't mean that we shouldn't all express our political preference.