Shady Grady

I agree it's unlikely. But Django Unchained did well. Of course it was not based on reality and had a white sidekick but even so..

She's not attractive.

He was acquitted not because of a prior relationship but because the jury believed that the woman consented to intimacy with Parker but not with his friend.
In any event Parker very strongly believes that he did not rape the woman. Apparently there wasn't enough evidence to prove that he did. I don't think he should

Why in the world should someone express guilt or remorse *if* they didn't do anything wrong?

There were already exceptions to sovereign immunity for countries that the US had placed on the "supporting terrorism" list (Iran, Sudan, Syria). And the US has removed countries from that list for political and financial reasons.

Anyone who supported the war in Libya is not getting my vote.

Mitch Albom is and always has been incredibly paternalistic, patronizing, condescending and dismissive of any views that do not line up with his own, particularly if those views come from black people. He is a person who feels that he "knows" black people because he works in Detroit and provides charity for Haiti.

And Rice supported the invasion of Iraq, lied about WMD, and approved waterboarding among other things. A truly horrible person IMO.

As an ambitious major, Powell also tried to ignore allegations that something had happened at My Lai.
Not a fan.

I don't think baseball is boring. There are plenty of Black people in baseball. They just happen to have Spanish as a first language. MLB has almost double the revenue of the NBA and is second only to the NFL in total revenue among professional sports leagues. MLB is setting revenue records each year. Since there were

Not everything is for everybody and that is just fine.

Football is great in part because it is unabashedly violent. It's the nature of the game. That shouldn't and really can't be removed from the sport. This is the best time of year in terms of sports because football is back. Football can't be made safer or softened.

Perhaps he should have shuffled along and not made eye contact with his betters….

I think that everyone should be polite as much as possible. I don't agree that men "just don't care" about women's feelings. The poster wrote that women don't want to be bothered by 99% of the men that approach them. Well obviously that's not the case because otherwise no one would ever get together. But again, a man

If only a man could know ahead of time if he was a particular woman's type and if she was even interested or available. Unfortunately since men can't read minds and women don't initiate, a man has to make the approach. When men don't do this women complain about that too.

You made the incorrect statement that the majority of cop killers are white. That is not true. 42 is more than 13. 289 is more than 243.

What are the police supposed to do? The majority of cop killers are black, too.

Saying that someone is a victim before the accused has been found guilty is begging the question as to whether a crime occurred in the first place. Blackstone's formulation is a cornerstone of any decent justice system. I think that's a good thing.