Shady Grady

That is one argument to be made though the problem is that (1) the people who feel very strongly about gender/social/family roles one way or the other generally won't make any concession to changing or previously different times and (2) if we start to place our own judgment over what is supposed to be the divine word

Most likely. There is also this from Galatians which is more explicitly egalitarian.

Indeed. And? I don't think Christians can have it both ways-to pick out the parts of the Bible they like as the Word of God and moral perfection and then dismiss the parts they don't like as being written by people of limited understanding or all one gender. It's not just Paul. In Genesis God tells Eve that she and

No. That verse was redundant IMO.

"But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God."
-Corinthians 11:3

Hofstra case
Brian Banks case
UVA/Rolling Stone
Duke Lacrosse case
Biurny Peguero case
and so on.
These are a minority of cases but they are real. The women lied. So we should treat rape allegations like any other allegation-innocent until proven guilty.

No. Liking the art does not mean endorsing the actions or beliefs of the artist. Everyone has to make their own decision on this but I think it would be a shame to have some sort of neo-Stalinist political test for art. The quality of artistic creation doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the artist's behavior

I forgot to mention "Pym" by Mat Johnson and "The Turner House" by Angela Flournoy.

The Tempest Tales is Mosley's homage to Langston Hughes "Semple" character and maybe has a nod or two to "Heaven Can Wait".

Are you unable to understand hyperbole?
On a post that compares the exercise of a cherished and hard won constitutional right to throwing something in the trash, you can't see that hyperbole can be used from the other side?

Each person should vote their conscience and/or for the person who he or she thinks would make the best President. No one should be be shamed or bullied into voting for someone they can't stand. It's your vote, no one else's.

Together, both of these frustrations and exasperations speak to a larger and painstakingly pervasive and consistent theme. That America is a uniquely dangerous place for Black women. Even more dangerous than it is for Black men

Maybe, maybe not. People of all races/nationalities always get more upset about harm from the outsider than they do from the insider. Look at the attention that "terrorist" attacks get compared to the everyday intra-racial violence. If we told whites that well until they deal with white-on-white violence they really

But shouldn't some form of rule by the people, elections where presidents actually leave and separation of powers work for everyone? I'm disappointed to hear that people think dictatorship is valid for certain nationalities.

It's not really comparable to states. Europe is made up of separate nations with different cultures and languages. Many of the British did not like the influx of immigrants, whether from within the EU or outside of it or the idea that in certain situations the EU Parliament could have more effective power on British

In GRRM's world only winter is certain…but it is still beyond stupid to go into battle without a helmet.

And if he wasn't wearing a helmet in battle he would quickly be dead again. You can't excuse crappy writing by saying magic! Dragons!