Shady Grady

How am I mixing up books and show? Every above criticism is based on the show, not the books.
A fantastic story by definition has things that can not happen in the real world. It still needs to be internally logical. People running around the middle of battlefields without helmets tend not to do very well.

In the books the one time Catelyn asks Ned about Jon he gets very cold with her. He tells her that Jon is his blood and that's all she needs to know and please kindly mind her own business.

The writers really messed up Sansa/Jon's characters. It makes no sense for Sansa to constantly complain that no one is listening to her when in fact she's at every single meeting. She constantly says that they need more men. Jon agrees but says we don't have any more, which as far he knows is a true statement. Sansa

I think he will have 3 more books. I don't think he can reel himself in any more.

He didn't like Sam then and he doesn't like him now. =)
What did he say when Sam asked for more bread…"I guess you aren't fat enough already."

I feel the same way but Martin says he doesn't want people speculating about his health or when/whether he will finish. =)…

Well he is but letting Sam inherit leadership as he was would have been a disaster for the family. There were other ways he could have gotten Sam out of that spot without threatening to kill him but Randyll Tarly is a pragmatist.

The books are better. Tons more context. However GRRM is a slow writer and hasn't released a new book since 2011. The show will complete before GRRM does. Also the last two books, especially book 4, were slow going. They could have used more vigorous editing.

GRRM based much of it on large portions of The War of The Roses and various Scottish feuds.


I'd be a little salty too if the relatives of the person who got my mother and several other people killed, and lost leadership of the North to a psychopath, showed up and told me " Ok, this time we have a plan!".

I thought that given Jon's success at becoming Lord Commander and then with dealing with wildings/Mance and Stannis and Craster that the irritation he showed in the scene with Lyanna Mormont was poor writing that was just designed to give Sansa something to do and/or a way to get Littlefinger back in the mix.

The first three books are amazingly good. The next two, not so much. The show is on the verge of wrapping stuff up and had had a few stumbles. But when it's on, it's as good as anything else on cable.

I don't want any more dead wolves in the books. this a "Man Law" violation?
Nope. But's it's probably worth a traffic stop and warning..

I love this show. I think though that since no one in the North is aware of Jon's changed situation that at least someone should have asked him "So Lord Commander what are you doing taking sides and trying to lead a revolt? Because that sounds like desertion from the Night's Watch. "

"The judge also serves as an executive committee member of a support network for female victims of domestic violence."

Jackie Robinson also stood up to segregation in Texas and lived to tell about it.

Short of physically beating sense into billions of people in Asia who are convinced that rhino horns or tiger livers are just the thing to solve their intimate performance issues or preventing "bush meat" consumption in parts of Africa or stopping American and European hunters from decimating wildlife so they can feel