Shady Grady

I used to think that way but in some cases zoos are what's keeping certain species alive. Thanks to human wars, smuggling and certain countries/cultures clinging to discredited "traditional" medicine, there are a number of animals that are on the brink of extinction. Ideally animals shouldn't be in zoos. But ideally

The gorilla was dragging the child by the foot through the water.

It was too bad to kill the animal but you have to choose a child's life over an animal's life every single time.

I am not referring to you when I am talking about lazy conflations of bigotry and opposition. You have nothing to apologize for.

My stance is clear. I want men's rooms/locker rooms to be for biological men. I want women's rooms/locker rooms to be for biological women. This is no more analogous to Jim Crow than the current laws which allow travelers to request TSA patdowns by agents of the same s e x. Just because someone of the opposite s e x

You are begging the question by refusing to recognize that we are discussing biological s e x.

Ok you don't care. Fine. But millions of other people do. What makes you right and them wrong? What gives you the right to force them to accept your worldview?

And yet somehow people have managed to distinguish between male and female. Funny that.

Are bathrooms which are separated by biological s e x morally equivalent to bathrooms segregated by race in 1961 Alabama?

Men's rooms do not only have separate stalls. Check out this story to see how this change has worked out in a high school in Vermont, which made a change before the Administration letter. The boys did feel like they were giving up privacy. And they were right.…

Thank you for such an intelligent and far sighted contribution to the conversation.

If someone has XX chromosomes that person is not male. If someone has XY chromosomes that person is not female.

if you are fine with being partially unclothed in front of strange people of the opposite sex then that is fine for you. Most people don't feel that way about locker rooms or bathrooms.

The Administration letter applies to locker rooms as well as bathrooms.

"You are not worried about sexual predators. The only reason you are opposed to sharing your dumping grounds with transgender people is bigotry."

Being 20 minutes to 35 minutes late, depending on talent and what else was going on, is understandable. More than that no. You're messing with other people's time and money. You're not giving the customers what they paid for and are forcing your crew and/or venue personnel to stay later and do more work.

Harvard Final clubs have not been affiliated with the university since 1984.

Partially. But mostly it's because I do not feel as connected/obligated to strange women as I do to women who I already know and have relationships with.

I would never attempt to physically defend anyone who is not an intimate or a relative. My job is to defend those women. Not strangers.

Tony Williams did.