Shady Grady

IMO you didn't miss much. Da Sweet Blood of Jesus was horrible. Painfully disjointed. Visually stunning though.

It's amazing that a Black president elected twice with overwhelming support from the Black community can't find a qualified black person to nominate to the Supreme Court after having had THREE opportunities to do so. I guess that I should be less critical of white people who don't hire Black people because they claim

Yes, some Native Americans (mainly Cherokee) did participate in the slave trade and fought on the Confederate side in the Civil War. And some black soldiers participated in the Indian wars and "pacification" of the West. False consciousness can do a number on people.

I guess I'm not as sanguine as you might be about the possibility of Trump leading the Republicans to wreck and ruin. I hope that would be the case and it should be the case but if he can sweep the South and flip just 2 Midwest states besides Indiana, he wins. So I guess people don't want to wait around to see.

I would tend to agree with you but given the things that Trump has said there are plenty of people who feel that he must not go unchallenged. And his supporters are entirely too comfortable laying hands on people. That's part of Trump's message as well and needs to be forcefully challenged imo.

God forbid that a show be preempted. Again, her show had low ratings. There's only so much and only for so long that a low performer (which unfortunately she was ) can get away with before corrective actions are taken. Getting upset that your show is preempted because ,of say Scalia's death doesn't make sense.

Her show had very low ratings, even for MSNBC. It's not incumbent for any employer to let a low performer continue doing whatever they want without some attempt at change or correction. In this context MSNBC requested that during her show, MHP focus more on the election and less on things like the "Formation" video.

Right. Because threats and insults are apparently the preferred way of dealing with facts you don't like. Fortunately I don't drink but if I did I wouldn't be stupid enough to do so in public. And I certainly wouldn't compound that error by fighting with police officers and stabbing OR slashing an officer. Again, most

Your reading comprehension is off. I did not say I wanted you to die. I doubt such language would be allowed here.

I have a better idea for you. Go find a police officer. Do something illegal in front of her. Resist her attempt at arrest or citation. Punch her in the face, stab and fight with her fellow officers when they come to her assistance. Let us know how all that works out for you.

I could have sworn I didn't place my resume anywhere in this thread. But maybe I'm wrong about that. Maybe you have some special insight into where I've worked or what I've done. Anyway, you seem unwilling to consider that after a citizen has refused lawful verbal commands, physically attacked officers, shrugged off

Ok. We disagree and that is fine. I am not at all bothered that a burglar and attempted child molester who made bad decisions throughout his short life made an unbelievably stupid decision at the end of it.…

Ok. To get a fine or go to court you have to accept a ticket or accept arrest. This fellow decided he wasn't going to do either!! He attacks police officers and runs away. He refuses to drop his knife and kills the dog sent in to subdue him. Do you really think that police officers should be legally unable to use

I will keep that in mind the next time a police officer stops me for speeding. I will just refuse to accept a ticket and speed off after punching him in the face. After all it's his fault for irritating me.

It's really frustrating to try to have a discussion when apparently no one wants to talk about what really took place. I do not much like police. But even a broken clock is right twice a day. We have to take each case on its own merits. The police *could* be lying through their teeth. But the only thing we know right

Unfortunately Kelly was crazy enough to try to fight back when officers tried to take him into custody. Maybe his demise will serve as an object lesson.

And apparently black people really hate dogs. Interesting.

A man lost his life because he was a stupid drunk who decided to attack police officers.