Shady Grady

Right. Because because when you refuse to accept a ticket and refuse to submit to arrest and hit and stab police officers it's all the police officer's fault for irritating you in the first place. That makes perfect sense.

The man refused to be arrested.

They *did* catch him a few blocks away where he refused to drop the knife.

I replied below but the issue is that evidently the men refused to accept the ticket and refused to accept arrest. Different decision path.

Ok. What should a police officer do when a drunk person has refused to accept a ticket, refused arrest, hit him or other police officers, is armed and refuses to drop his weapon?

Well it is the law. Again given how police are there's no guarantee they are telling the truth but their story seems to be that the men who were drinking refused to accept the ticket and/or became violent. Public drinking leads to stupid behavior-as was demonstrated in this instance.

He had a knife and had apparently already struck or stabbed officers. Assuming that this is really what happened I would have just shot him instead of releasing the dog, given how things turned out.

I love dogs, particularly German Shepherds. Anyone who doesn't has a black hole where their soul should be. It doesn't mean that a dog has the same value as a human loved one but then again most people don't either.

Jerry Wexler, Phil Spector, Joel Dorn, Eddie Kramer, Tom Dowd, Arif Mardin, Todd Rundgren, Teo Macero and Phil Ramone all deserve much respect.

Fathers should have such conversations with their sons. By the time a man is grown it is too late to alter his moral compass.

Let me think. Nope. I don't know any would be rapists.

Yes because violence is always the answer to free speech you don't like and armed men with extra judicial powers are immune to any sort of corruption.

Actually Indiana has a higher poverty rate than Illinois. But your answer brings out the point I was making-access to guns does not in and of itself cause gun violence. For people in urban areas to blame urban violence on guns from rural areas is a dodge.

If you can get all of the guns you want in Indiana why doesn't Indiana have the same gun violence issues as Illinois?

One reason that black fraternities, sororities, beauty pageants, masonic organizations, churches, and so on even exist is that whites made it clear that they weren't willing to deal with blacks. Why should the Oscars be any different. Why would we expect that whites would routinely recognize black artistic excellence?

So you would be in support of police officers racially profiling and using stop-and-frisk to violate the 4th amendment? After all they are trying to save lives and don't have time to care about the Constitution and its outdated strictures.

There are limits to the extent that gun owners will comply with laws requiring registration. For example in New York it appears that many gun owners have decided to ignore a registration law.

Currently there aren't the votes to rewrite or update the Constitution. Rights should be hard to alter or revoke.

There is a clear process to repeal or alter the 2nd Amendment. But I suspect that despite the heat around this issue the side that wants to do just that doesn't have the votes.