Shady Grady

But Prohibition didn't work. It in fact empowered organized crime to reach power and wealth undreamed of by street thugs before Prohibition. Prohibition was a remarkably and demonstrably horrible idea.

What can Sanders say as a candidate that is more important than what the current President and AG have or more often have not done? So many people refused to criticize PBO or Holder or Lynch on anything. Those people who attempted to call the President and company to account on racial issues were mocked and

GRRM has plans for at least two more books for a total of seven books in the series but has not ruled out a total of eight or more if he thinks it's necessary. It was originally supposed to be a trilogy.
All he's said for certain is that he will write until the story is complete.
When that is, is anyone's guess.

I think you hit on the point exactly. They are the wrong weapon for what Daenerys is trying to do. I think GRRM was using that storyline in part to comment on the Iraq war and the "white man's burden". If you absolutely positively have to kill everyone on a battlefield where the sides are easily identifiable,

Correct. They are not as strong as normal men but they are far more disciplined soldiers and have less sensitivity to pain because of the drugs they take. They have no moral value other than obedience, since to become an Unsullied you must initially strangle your own puppy and later kill a slave child in front of its

There is plenty of passion and protest about crime in the black community.

CD's aren't great sounding but to me they are far superior to MP3's. So I would never get rid of CD's or for that matter vinyl. But everyone's different.

In my experience the idea that technical people lack interpersonal skills doesn't hold water as much any more. Twenty years ago, that might have been the case but most of the simplistic "insert tab a into slot b" coding/support work has been outsourced.

Interesting. But I would argue that Nietzsche's ideas were misappropriated and misunderstood by Hitler and Nietzsche's sister. Nietzsche had no use for anti-semites as he made clear to his sister when he cut off relations with her and his brother-in-law.

That is basically a description of Mitch Albom… =)

Cersei is not as smart as she thinks she is. I hope you do read the books b/c I think they are just as entertaining if not more so than the show.

Is hip-hop somehow more "authentically black" than gospel, soul, blues, rock-n-roll, funk etc?
I don't think so.
Whites have always been influenced by/ripped off black music. What makes Azalea any different than Janis Joplin, Adele, Amy Winehouse, Madonna, Joss Stone, etc… Joss Stone's singing voice is tremendously

Many of AC/DC's primary influences were black rockers and bluesmen like Jimmy Reed, Howlin Wolf, Little Richard, Muddy Waters, Freddie King, and above all others Chuck Berry. Unlike some other white rock musicians (Led Zeppelin) AC/DC has always been pretty open about who influenced them and paid proper royalties when

Perhaps you would drive at least an extra 42 miles each day to pick up and drop off an unrelated co-worker and thus spend additional time and money out of your day. That is time that would otherwise be spent on your interests or with your loved ones. you write the bicycle is not really an option in the snow and ice (which can easily last from November to April some years) but more to the point there really aren't bike lanes or for that matter sidewalks that would let you get from Detroit to Rochester Hills. There are huge areas where you would simply have

Likely most of his co-workers do not live in Detroit. There really isn't much mass transit in SE Michigan. There's no train between Rochester Hills and Detroit.

Yes it's basically by invitation.

You have to be sponsored for membership unless you are nominated for an award.