Shady Grady

France is arresting people who it believes practice "hate speech".

They didn't have it coming. Killing someone because they made fun of you or your religion is far beyond twisted.

What about disrupting the graduation ceremony for new police officers?

Short of the accuser admitting she lied, this story really does point out some things she said which aren't true. I don't know what happened but when you're claiming that you got text messages from an upperclassman chem major but the pictures provided are actually of a high school classmate, your credibility on other

Someone's taste for music is subjective; you like what you like.
But across different genres modern music is louder with less melody and harmony.

It's rare in the extreme but it does happen. Don Peebles, the real estate mogul, met his wife as she was walking down the street.

People who have been busted seeking oral gratification from streetwalkers probably aren't the best people to discuss other people's intelligence levels. Mote, eye, beam.

It was a decent film. Shannon carried it.

Thanks. That make sense.

It's been growing for a while but other than Van Alden's general ineptitude was there a specific reason for his wife's estrangement?

Police can not demand identification unless they witness or have a "reasonable suspicion" that you are breaking the law. Additionally Minnesota doesn't have a "stop and identify" law. So Mr. Lollie was fully within his rights to refuse to give the police his name. Tasing him for not doing so was wholly out of line.

I wish I could say I was surprised but I'm not.

One of the last of the great jazz artists.

I was going to check this out but virtually all of the reviews have something to say about the racial stereotypes. I was reminded of "Hollywood Shuffle". Evidently things haven't really changed all that much. I wonder if the directors and writers had to work with the black actors to ensure they got their ghetto thug