
I don't watch DC shows (though I have a love of DC itself) but this was on while I was at a restaurant with my boss's weird son. Among his criticisms of the new "Supergirl" show were, that "Superman" would simply kick the other girl's ass (Livewire? I thought it was Silver Banshee) and a few other things that bothered

Yes, I couldn't have been happier with this one. I don't go easy on Mark Gatiss, but this was the way to tell this kind of story.

Was that "someone" the younger version of you?

Whither "With Friends Like These…"?

Not to kick a show when it's down, but I tried watching SHIELD last week after missing a few episodes and couldn't remember why I thought it was supposed to be entertaining.

She just did a dip with the Polar Bear club here in Chicago. That's. Yeah.

I only really ever had fond or frightened memories of "Kroll," and thought the bad reception it got was pretty irrational, but this review pointed out the good and the bad, and it seems like this is a case where the good things don't always soften the bad things.

The possessed Aris (sp?) gets a little arm-wound from the TSS and I think collapses out of the Kinda mock-TSS.

I hear you. I got "Inferno" and "Carnival of monsters" on DVD a few months ago and just haven't had the time. I never thought I'd say that. They're both great stories but I'll never talk my girlfriend into watching them with me and that raises questions of what I should be feeling passionate about nowadays.

It took me a loooooong time to warm to the Tom Baker years, and this was one of the few stories I found in a video store in the States in the late '90s (along with "Keeper of Traken," which I don't ever need to see again.) So I was disinclined towards liking it when I got it, but I'd exhausted all the '80s "Who" that

This is a funny story that I've grown more fond of over time. Interesting catch about the Count's odd line about his charger; I sort of took it to imply that he was in Ren Faire mode and just doing Tara on weekends.

Almost got it; I figured, though, that I'd read enough Silver Age stuff to know that it would be pretty much exactly how you described it. Was the art at least decent?

Drowning isn't funny, but picturing his hair as he bobs around underwater kind of is.

I think I read those stories in trade, borrowed from the local library, around 2009. The last JSA arc I could get involved I think The Third World, Starman (of the Legion) having brain damage, a few new characters (mr. America) and, I have to say, it was some really interesting stuff to read, although I never got the

What do you think those robots did last night that was so memorable?

God, I hated that.

Naiiiled it.

It's got two likable protagonists to it, and there's a compelling reason for the aliens to not kill Gardner. If the 50-page short story about the wife whose TV tells her to kill her husband were excised, it'd be a lot leaner. I remember the party, anti-nuke speech too, and it was a depressing little hoot.

I remember liking "Keys of Marinus" when I first saw it, but I kept falling asleep
as I tried to watch it a few weeks ago. The most shocking bit ever to wake up to,
though, was Barbara executing what I guess were the Morphoton Brains. ("No! No! Aaaaaaagh! Aaaaahhhh-hhh!") No due process or anything.

Sceptered Isle. Richard II fan, here.