
There's no God, no aliens, no meaning, no fairness. We crawled up from the mud. Yes, I have met us. We are indomitable!

I've emerged from Disqus-retirement to say…why does the header assume we're only going to ruin these probably-uninhabitable worlds?

Metebelis 3 as shown in the classic series would make you plotz.

Why don't they make the whole plane out of the black box, amirite?

Yes, I was glad there was no Missy this time, and also that the only Dalek in the story was so completely out of its depth on Gallifrey.
Speaking of out of depth, I have no idea how "Me" could've made it to the end of everything. Just the physical properties of the universe alone would've made it impossible to keep any

Still feels empty, kind of like Easter. I prefer to think she'll tie up her own loose ends though.

I was wondering what the point of shooting that guy was in the moment—using his regeneration energy to kickstart Clara? But the story just kept on moving. And now that Clara's OOC, they can't really hold the Doctor responsible for the act. It was most un-Doctorlike.

This is why I keep checking the comments.

Oh no no no, you're not alone in your belief. "Sleep No More" and the two-part underwater epic were scary, funny little mysteries. I don't ever want the show to "evolve" past these kinds of stories.

She's got a TARDIS, and she's effectively immortal. She can return to Coal Hill School and finish the year if she likes.

Yes, this one had a lot of ideas that were just inspired. I loved this return trip to Gallifrey, for all the strange possibilities that simply never existed before.

It is a cheat, and you're right. I like consequences too sometimes. Just, in this case, and with Clara, I'm glad there's at least the possibility of some happiness. For the same reason they didn't show Rusty blow up the Dalek mothership, I'm grateful for a little open-endedness to the story. (Although Clara/Me

I'm gonna miss her, and the rule is I usually get sick of the companions.
And I've been sick of her at times. I have no idea how she made so many comebacks.

I thought it was a meaningless sacrifice anyway. This was the best kind of retcon.

Sorry they cheated you there. Clara's hubris was destined to get her killed, so it happens inevitably. (How many references did we get to the fact that she's dead, that she died billions of years ago, that she died at the middle of time, and that she's gotta go or else the causal nexus'll crack?)

I think twisting a story so that Clara has to "face a raven" was copping out in and of itself. I'll never understand why people like how that one ended, or even felt anything.

Not a big fan of this series, and it seems like my favorites from this year were all of the unpopular ones. "Sleep No More" was the sort of story I wanted when I picked up NAs back in the '90s; "Under the Lake"/"Before the Flood" had a sort of oomph to them the other two-parters were lacking. I really haven't had the

I'm not crazy about her theme either—but whenever I hear it start, I always kind of hope they reach the part @ 6:10—…

ALMOST picked up that issue of "Quasar" this weekend. Almost. 50% off back issues at the local comics chain. I opted for the first half of Mark Gruenwald's run on "Captain America" instead.

The commmics I lovvvve them.