
"A Cyberman getting killed with an arrow? but that's ludicrous! Unless—of course!"
"Lady Peinforte!"

Ha ha—and it also recalled "Ghost Light," too, with the antiseptic stone spaceship in the basement. Wouldn't you agree…Gabriel Chase?

I didn't hate it, if that counts for anything. Dicks revisits a few earlier stories he had a hand in, also the Trial. Prole Hole's
braved the entirety of the EDAs and so perhaps has a better perspective of it all.

Loved "Nightshade," have to point that out whenever it's mentioned. I had only read the Cat's Cradle trilogy before that, when a trip to barnes and Noble yielded "Nightshade" and "Love and War." Paul Cornell, I never have to say has earned a lifetime pass for anything, but with Gatiss I need the occasional reminder.

I like the idea that Rusty will just keep plugging. A good enough standalone story.

I wondered afterward, "Where was the transmat effect and the mothership exploding bit?" Glad it had a little ambiguity instead.

This was a "Doctor Who" experience.
I'm a frock in real life but I like a good gun story once in a while.

I heard "Jeremy," and thought, "Oh…OHHHHHHH. Well it's far enough into the future that…well…" and a dozen twists in the plot kept me from thinking about it until she said "Journey" a little more clearly later on. Then, "Ohhhhhhhh."

Perhaps because you're like no one, ever? :)

I just watched it the other day too, and that's one of the few series five stories I usually skip. It is a precipitous drop from "Eleventh Hour" but I found myself enjoying it this time around. Smith was full of surprises in that one.

I do watch it, although at this point, it's just for Victoria and the occasional Zack joke (I think Zack is the funniest person they have ever cast.) All the eye candy has been evicted. If I could control the House, the first five weeks would sound like:
"Derrick: you are evicted."
"Frankie: you are evicted. From the

I was a local spelling bee champ in grade school, and one of my most interesting triumphs was defeating an Asian girl named Robin Williams in one of the competitions.


Al Pacino.

Someone replied up (or down?) thread with a reminder that the transit method tended to reveal screamingly obvious candidates—like gas giants with 10 day years—and that there was a strong selection bias. A few Earth (or super-earth)-sized worlds have been found though. Kepler-10c was confirmed using a second, newer,

One of my happiest family memories happened around 1992,
when my father finally got us a TV with a screen larger than 12
inches. It was the first clear picture I'd ever seen, after years of
Zenith wood paneled televisions. I walked in, and Robin Williams
was on the TV, doing a very thoughtful interview show for Comedy

I think Pex's impotent flexing made some sort of an impression on me. I wanted to be more like the Doctor in real life, but somehow ended up sounding like one of the Caretakers…

13-year-old me loved it. The last story had two redheads in it, and this time they landed on a planet of redheads.

I made my high school sweetheart suffer through plenty of taped "Doctor Who."
The copy of "Paradise Towers" I found started when Mel was first seeing the sweet side of the Rezzies. She thought we were watching some British sitcom by mistake. "No; this is it."

Which was the best Red Kang though? Fire Escape, Bin Liner…or one of the extras?