
Keffing Hell!

Should the United States of America aspire to be like Portugal then?
My opinion is no.

"No law or enforcement of those laws ever made a dent in any drug use so what's the point besides ruining people's lives?"

"Lots of people are utterly miserable 24/7."
I think only the minutest fraction of us can use this as an actual excuse. Too many sign up for the illegal drugs, which were weeded out for a reason.

I would like to give credit to Thomas Ligotti for a comment I made here:
"TmZ ambitiously and relentlessly pursues a darkness beyond darkness."

Legalized drugs + breeding = problems, though, right?

I hated the Dirk Gently show at first, on some principle I couldn't name. And then I started really liking it.

Yeah, 10c was formed when the universe was less than a quarter of its current size too, so the clumping could've been less noteworthy than I thought. I still think it's pretty weird though.

Am I assumed to be a proponent of ID now?
I went into it all a little uninformed, I will admit.

Thank you. I should've whinged about this a month ago in the comments section of a sci-fi movie review. I didn't have time to rap with a physicist or even know how to contact one. This is a total relief. I knew that there wasn't anything immediately "supernatural" about the planet, and I understood how loose the

Archmage, the concluding section that I wrote was pretty much what you said. Stretched out to 400 words or so. It was an argumentatitve paper and I had to assume the opposition would be the Intelligent Design crowd. I won't pretend that I wasn't lifting over my weight writing about this though.

You are so right. I don't have the math skills or the imagination to solve these types of problems, hence the frustration. but dammit, I did have what I thought was an understanding of the universe in my head until this. I know that there will be a solution. For the moment, though, we have a real-life anachronism in

Total armchair science reader here, and I'm not trying to make anyone feel dense. It's just that for the sake of a term paper I had to start drawing my own conclusions, and things are starting to look both weird and pointless.

Name an actual anachronism. Like a real one.

It straddles the difference between a terrestrial planet and a gas or ice giant, which is…uncomfortable.

Speaking of sending a generation of kids to Hell, yesterday I gave my presentation on the existential problems that were sprung from the discovery of planet Kepler-10c.
None of my younger classmates really had any idea what I was saying, though I tried to sort of simplify it. The message was basically "There *might* be

I didn't like the initial pimp gag—but I found the callback, "Gator don't play no shit!" to be a million times funnier, and made it worth it.

I work with three people who would get big laffs out of pointing out that that's Spielberg.

Not toNight.

"If we were Greg, we would immediately see what is going on."