
Just the interchangeability of Girls' Generation. With 9 members it is a little difficult to focus on one at a time. In group shots I can name the members…yet after all this time, Yuri and Yoona are hard to tell apart. So: pop starlets, not Koreans.

Sunny's really cute. Yuri and Yoona look interchangeable (to me.)
When I first started paying attention to Kpop 3 years ago or so, I
thought Taeyeon and Jessica were identical.
The picture up top isn't very flattering for Sunny and Hyoyeon, either.

'Tis pity they included the 2ne1 video for "Go Away"
since that's not the greatest way to introduce them.
CL getting kicked to death by Kai I mean.

So it was ok for me to have a picture taken
of me jumping in front of The Bean…but I
can't make the peace sign?

What does the "V" thing mean for photographs?
An Asian friend told me not to do it.
Are SNSD declaring victory over Bill Murray?

In Murray Leinster's great short story "First Contact" the author accomplishes a lot; he describes using radar in space, traveling through a nebula using 3D pictures for reference, and he pulls off another feat; he describes a humanoid species that is binocular, bipedal, similar to us in outlook and irony, yet

I only heard the track P.W.E.I. "Intense" once back in '95 or so.
It was like a b-side on a CD single that I got for a poser friend
who turned rogue a week later. That one eluded me for a decade
until it finally dropped on Youtube, and it was exactly as great as
I remembered it:

Another manager and I liked to compare business to TV shows, and the analogies would come pretty fast and furious.
"Sometime's it's Suzanne Summers," he said (meaning a good day.) "And sometimes it's a bad night at home with the Code-man." (meaning alarming steroid-induced spousal abuse.)

I laughed; I got it.

You know, I *actually* just started reading Timon of Athens.
There was an old Pelican Shakespeare copy lying around and I grabbed it. It got a little depressing because I am foolish with money, too,
so I put it down and started reading Elmore Leonard's "Split Images." Not a pick-me-up either, really. Still, cool!


I know someone of the same name, who is also sensitive to being called Andy. What's weird is how he invites that nickname because he loves *my* annoying nickname.

This was my third "Doctor Who" story, and so sticking with it after
"mind Warp" was deliberate at that point. I couldn't watch it on the

Who would American Mel or Ace have been if there was a Joe Pesci Seventh Doctor?

Complimentary adjective here. I think it's great that they did a studio-bound story like it that late in the game, and it's wicked satire too.

I've got to ask—do you dress like a Lurman?
Wear scarves indoors?
Do you have to take off a lot of things when standing in line at customs?

I think it was episode 2 of the U.S. release on VHS that had the Delaware version. Did anyone else have dogs that were alarmed at the noise?

Vorg hadn't even heard of the Daleks, so I always thought either he was from some sort of meta-civilization, or he didn't get around much, or didn't read the news. The answer is, he's a Holmes creation, and wasn't exactly a criminal, and I don't think he Shanghaied the exotic animals himself, so Doctor the Third just

Jimmy Kimmel Live…hak.

And your post reminded me "The War Games" is overdue for another watch in its entirety. Thanks for the compliment. I wish there were more Doctor Who stories that had that same immersive feel of the Trial season. The more vocal I've gotten about it, the more people seem willing to reconsider. Some people have known for