
To be honest, there isn't really an official "Top Five."
Yes it is up there though, close to the top.

I got the tapes in my junior year of high school. I remember watching it in February while I was taking Driver's Ed at another, public school full of snarky yet unfunny bullies who probably shouldn't have been allowed on the road. It was great to come home to watch a couple installments of "War Games" and get taken

I loved the interaction with balazar. I could tell the Doctor had everyone's best interests at heart when he told him "Never believe what is said. Only what you know." And then right after he mocks Merdeen's seriousness with this funny hand gesture/facial expression mix. Such a subversive figure.

This was my first "Doctor Who," and I thought it was a clip show because of the trial segments. I was paying close enough attention to feel the Doctor's unease when things were happening a little differently than he remembered, so curiouser and curiouser. I don't find them as annoying as some people.

I think I would've let classic Doctor Who pass me by if they weren't packaged on TV as omnibus, movie-length stories, edited without cliffhanger breaks. Watching it in serial format lessens it for me somehow, and stretching it over more than a day, the story gets a little incoherent. That's just me though.

For once, I would love to see the criminal just make a break for it when they catch him or her in the last five minutes. Holmes walks in, then on cue Gregson and Det. Bell, Watson…and the murderer just runs through the other side of the mirror.

Right about when I started to really fall for "Elementary," after a string of really great stories that either established some continuity or let the actors build their characters, I missed "The Deductionist," that one tailored for the Superbowl crowd, and saw that it got a C. I couldn't resist reading the review

Sometimes, sort of, yeah. I follow "Elementary" and "Agents of SHIELD" and guesstimate what the grades will be for the review. Sometimes a story doesn't seem to be working and I wonder if I'm crazy for thinking that (for "Elementary." With SHIELD it's a little more obvious when they're doing something wrong.)

It's pretty slick, I have to admit. I have heard the title "Gimme Shelter" and subconsciously assumed it was something positive. Then, when I saw a very quick advertisement for the movie, with a lot of critical praise heaped on it (or was it?) though the acting wasn't particularly strong, and though it spelled out the

Feelings. We all have them.

There was a girl in my class last year who Mindy Kaling reminds me of, especially in that pic. She was the first girl to smile at me in that class. Two thinner girls—one an obdurate German transfer, the other a beautiful, yet poop-breathed sociopath—got me in their little web the first two weeks and scared me out of

Humans lived for a time as gas clouds then switched back again; the Sycorax stuck with it I guess?

I've only recently started on the Eighth Doctor audios, so "Storm Warning" and "Sword of Orion" are two I have listened to in the past week. I ordered these around Christmas and I have to say; "Storm Warning" really brings me back to the classic series. Odd that I could picture it—shot on video, like a season from

It's a family show, AVClub is full of rebels and misfits, and as George Carlin said, every rebel has a secret desire to conform.

Yes to 1 and 2 urkel my good man. I think there is also

That storm's been bugging me; did they even say that it caused only mild damage? And did they fix it by flying like they never flew before up through the donut hole with the device or something?

Okay, 51 other comments already, and I have to ask: did anyone else laugh at the public domain woman's scream right after the kid froze solid at FitzSimmons' little lecture? Can't they afford to just *buy* someone to go "Ahhhhhhhhh!!!"?
What if they used the other scream: that "Yeeeeearrrrrrghhh!" sound?

Favorite reaction to "We're all going to diiiiiieeeeee!!!"?
From Wife in Space:

There might come a time when more people will appreciate his tenure for the positive bits. It seems like only in the past couple years I've seen the mainstream opinion for Sylvester McCoy change. (And after 20 years I realize that everyone was right about "Silver Nemesis.")

"Terminus" was one of the first tapes I ordered online. I didn't know anything except that it was a story set in space (score!) and I didn't like the sound of "Mawdryn Undead" so it seemed like a safe pick.