
If it didn't give you the feels, it didn't give you the feels.
As I've said—and I love collecting downvotes, sorry I'm not allowed an opinion, whichever fascist!—I was weary of Smith, and that scene still got to me. Nowadays I cannot watch a Hartnell story to save my life, and "An Adventure in Time and Space" made me

Good point. I watched it spread out over a month, in the early '90s, in omnibus format, so the individual trial segments stood out on their own, and the ending seemed more thrilling than nonsensical. I cannot say that I have ever really watched the 14 episodes back-to-back since owning them. The first thing I did when

Having Hartnell "see" Matt Smith didn't offend me, although to be honest I'm not the biggest fan of Smith (and I LOVED his first season, so it pains me to admit that I was happy to see him go. Worse, I'm not thinking "Woo-hoo, now Peter Capaldi.")

Thank you, Christopher Bahn, for choosing to do the Trial in its entirety. I went into it thinking it was an Abyss—that "Doctor Who" was itself an Abyss—and instead it turned out to be a string of unusual adventures which proved it was instead a show with great depth that was not always repeating itself.

Imagine if John Horgan was the science editor for Doctor Who.
The Doctor would be basically Doctor Thirteen.
The only fantastical elements in the series would be stuff like hallucinations and the actual disturbing effectiveness of brain chips.
I kind of love Bidmead's "block transfer" ideas and whatnot.

The Mob guy was, for DeSilva, like that one (or two) sociopath high school acquaintance(s) we all have on Facebook who will do something unpredictable if you unfriend him (or her.)

Glad you like it. I'm going to give Sherlock a chance this semester.
I've only seen maybe 45 minutes of their take on "Hound of the Baskervilles"
and I enjoyed it. (This was while I was at the gym so I had no control over what was playing at the time or how long I could watch it.) I don't really think it's going to

Perhaps he wasn't sorry.

"Over the very long run, of course, we go extinct and our part of the multiverse goes cold."

Runner-up: "ENTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Olivia Munn?

You're from the Neutral Planet, aren't you?

You're from the Neutral Planet, aren't you?

David Banks as the Cyber-Leader. There was lyricism in his last several lines.

David Banks as the Cyber-Leader. There was lyricism in his last several lines.

Have you tried Cholula?

Have you tried Cholula?

That "wub wub wub" sound has found its way to kpop even.

That "wub wub wub" sound has found its way to kpop even.

Is that in Showcase Presents Volume II?