
Is that in Showcase Presents Volume II?

You are absolutely right. Before I even started reading comics I saw the Action Comics issue with the Metal Men and had to have it. Not even John Byrne could fuck this story up, and I do believe he tried.

You are absolutely right. Before I even started reading comics I saw the Action Comics issue with the Metal Men and had to have it. Not even John Byrne could fuck this story up, and I do believe he tried.

There's something about those green wolfmen that still creeps me out.
I think the Doctor waking up in the cell with one is one of the scariest moments in the series' history.

There's something about those green wolfmen that still creeps me out.
I think the Doctor waking up in the cell with one is one of the scariest moments in the series' history.

Kimmel is the revelation. The "tiger-force" at the core of all things.

Kimmel is the revelation. The "tiger-force" at the core of all things.

Hey, I watched half of it this weekend.
Lots of people died before the black guy!

Hey, I watched half of it this weekend.
Lots of people died before the black guy!

Nacho Vigalondo’s debut feature, 2007’s Timecrimes, made the most of its tiny budget, using just a few locations and a few actors to tell a funny, exciting, even poignant story, set in an increasingly constricting time-loop. "

Nacho Vigalondo’s debut feature, 2007’s Timecrimes, made the most of its tiny budget, using just a few locations and a few actors to tell a funny, exciting, even poignant story, set in an increasingly constricting time-loop. "

This comment is funny on so many levels.

This comment is funny on so many levels.

"My Fair Lady" has a recurring motif that sounds surprisingly like "Bounty, the quicker picker upper."

"My Fair Lady" has a recurring motif that sounds surprisingly like "Bounty, the quicker picker upper."

Atheists can start sentences with "By the Great Void" dot dot dot.

There's even one god?


Wowwwwww, I was not expecting the Youtube clip to play,
or the article to contain actual direct quotes. (He's making his
own Rihanna jokes now?)

@avclub-188934b799f9c866379dd96bc600a688:disqus  "Colors" is truly unique in the universe, The only other spoken-word record I've heard that offers a comparable otherworldliness is Miranda July's "A Million Hours A Mile." But warning: her voice is like a drill in the head.