
I think Cochran punked Ozzy out at tribal by saying "I mean, I didn't dislocate my JAW exactly, but—"
Just the reaction was priceless, with the "tsing!" cymbal sound. Hit and run!

No need to be so hostile!

No Dawes jokes yet?

Another revenge request:

Dare I say…Morrissey did fine without The Smiths, and his follow-up albums sounded just like the stuff he did with the Smiths anyway?

Using metacognition—examining what I know—I taxed myself to the utmost trying to figure out what a "Hannibal Buress" was.

It's a good show to watch while exercising, is all I can say.
A lot of the "nuanced dialogue" gets lost that way, so I have to
fill in the blanks by myself. I am quite happy with the show and
regret missing it last night. I hope this one doesn't get canceled.


I was pleasantly surprised that they managed to extrapolate a lot instead of look straight-to-Blu Ray. 
I watched but really hated the first two movies.

It's like a good Okcupid thumbnail.

Yes, midnight. That's the rule. I recommended "Screamers" to a friend, and they watched it during the day and so weren't moved. They didn't know the rule.

This is exactly the sort of jokey song you might have heard on a University of Kentucky radio station sometime in the '90s.

Gul Dukat without makeup @ 2:13?
"God no!"

The third one feels more like a movie proper than the first two, to me at any rate. I can't ever catch the fourth movie on Starz! before the 20 minute mark.

I didn't care, but the video made me care a little.

Even Ira Glass would tell you it's not very masculine.

Wait, didn't he apologize for his "statements" made on Fox & Friends?
And now he's making like he was defiant? What a girl.

What's tragic is how good their Horror line looked in the early early EARLY 2000s: Robert Devereaux, Jemiah Jefferson, Douglas Clegg, T.M. Wright, Richard Laymon. They had a sort of Pixar thing going!

Not so fast Existence…

The man's reviving the Ed Hardy shirt too.