
I love reading headlines like this, more than the actual story.

Technobabble from when the bridge was under siege hinted at how completely strange the freighter's warp drive was; while going FTL, the ship was constantly being created and recreated with some sort of matter-antimatter mixing process. Adric and the Doctor used this to their advantage to stick the poor old Cyberman in

Wait, wasn't that book THREE where Kid Dinosaur cacked it?
All that competition brought out the best in some of those writers
whose own novels were overwrought to the point of being unreadable.

Baby Phat Clothing?

Thank you kindly.

Yeah—why did they almost kiss? I forget. Such a long time ago, that movie.

Last time I heard of a shirt getting the ol' recall like this was when I was a cast member at the Disney Store. There was a yellow "Meet the Robinsons" tee with the message "Go FOWARD" printed on it, and I had to box 'em back up again.

Oh, that's not quite true. Surely Aber, Crombie, and Fitch brought a dry grin?
I've been in the unique position of watching the last few episodes out of order(and I think off Starz Black?) so first the 1900s New York one disappointed me, then I enjoyed the wrap-up of the disastrous infiltration of the hospital…it's

"Violent J: So Like Us."

They are Sex Bob-Omb?

Meat Beat Manifesto
It hasn't aged well, but I was shocked—shocked!—to find out MBM sampled a bit from "The Mind Robber" years later when I found the episode on tape.

This was a Trekkie friend of mine's first exposure to Doctor Who, and it didn't exactly turn him into a lifelong fan. But he was amused when the Scot had his moment in the sun. "Wait—they're leaving this up to Jamie?"

Ha Ha Ha
His name is COREY!

Hooray for comedy!

Wondering if it's just my age group (30) but is the AV Club comments section more of the true intellectual successor for MST3K than RiffTrax for anyone else?

I had Netflix for two years, and a lot of good times."Party Down" escaped me, but dozens of K-horror flicks, the IT Crowd, and "Let the Right One In" meant I had no regrets with the streaming.

TSM, I know exactly what you mean about the season 2 finale, and I feel the exact same way.

Madama Butterfly
Not a movie, an opera—though it's been filmed—but I think this part is sadder than anything here.

Speaking of Netflix—does it not look like we are on Netflix right now, with the red and white bars?