
I absolutely agree. Fuck Tucker Carlson always and forever. I wouldn’t want to be sitting across a dinner table from Bregman though.

I’ve been reading about the Dutch. Culturally they just don’t put up with much bullshit. They can be considered “abrupt" by people not used to their ways. 

That...could make a strange bit of sense.

While I was watching the episode last night, it occurred to me that we might be seeing the background for the Genesis Project. I’m not completely sure yet how they’ll bridge the technological gap between the Mycelial network and the Genesis Device, but I can’t shake the feeling this’ll all connect to Genesis by

Look up “herd immunity,” dumbass.

I’m 63. When I was three there was a measles encephalitis epidemic in my county. I was hospitalized for a couple weeks. Yes, I was fully immunized by my nurse mother.

Thanks for scrolling to the bottom of the page! Next time please read the article while you do it. You might learn something.

But who plays the pug?

Half the universe is in the cast?

That - would be interesting... :)

The Prime Directive still applies and is theoretically untouchable. I haven’t seen Short Treks, but what I got from this episode is that Saru is the only member of his species aware that there is other intelligent life in space. The Federation is not allowed to interfere with the Kelpians’ development until the

In all my years of watching Star Trek, I never once imagined what it’d be like if the universal translator malfunctioned. Well done indeed. 

Mind = BLOWN

Nobody is more OP than Vulcans.

Random thought;

Same.  I feel bad for hating on this show so much when it first came out.  I watch it religiously every week now.  It’s great Star Trek.

Kind of felt a little Farscape to me as well.

This episode was so good. It really felt like Trek. 

it’s an absolute MASTERPIECE of cinema.  i don’t care what anybody says about it.  it still blows my mind because of how amazing it is!

Here’s something interesting: you know all these red and blue, with yellow star designs? That comes directly from Jamie McKelvie’s redesign of Carol Danver’s costume when she became Captain Marvel. A redesign that, initially, Marvel didn’t want. They had a completely different costume designed, but Kelly Sue DeConnick