
Speaking as an actual Wiccan, I thought it was funny.

Your accuracy should go to complete garbage while in mid-air, as well as for a short period after. Problem solved.

Counterpoint: fuck bunnyhoppers and I support anything that makes their lives harder. Jumping around every corner was not the main method of combat when I heavily played shooters, and it’s ruining every attempt I’ve made to get back into them. seems your racism isn’t’ based on facts, shocking

Not trolling here (white guy), but it should also amuse anyone who’s familiar with Mitochondrial Eve and anthropology that scientifically speaking, we all have at least a tiny bit of African lineage.  It might only be a very small fraction of a percent... but it’s there.  Spit that in a racist’s face and then listen

Sue that pale mf and his conspirator-partner, who KNEW that car was clean. The best way to curb crooked cops is to call out the ones who think they’re who willfully ignore the CRIMINAL bs their brethren do.

I’ll be hoping for a lawsuit. It’s the only way the officer will be forced to learn new tricks (and find a different job). arch-nemesis...

Ronald D. Moore and Ira Behr have a great story that when they were introduced to Patrick Stewart as new writers on TNG Season 3, Stewart greeted them enthusiastically and said he wanted to see Picard doing more “fighting and f*****g,” which directly led Behr to write Captain’s Holiday (and informed Moore’s rewrite of

I see “courier” and “cyberpunk” and now I’m hoping the courier’s name is Jake Armitage.

This is so f@#&ing wholesome I think it made my week. Even compared to the news of Fortuna being released which I was hyped for for a while now.

The WARFRAME community has always been my favorite online gaming community, at least for the last few years. This reinforces that feeling.

Consider this: Blizzard had to deal with constant questions and embarrassment after announcing Titan with nothing to show, and then watching it go through development hell for a decade.

Thanks! It’s certainly ironic that angry Redditors have been dragging me all weekend for being a Blizzard shill because I criticized the petulant red-shirt guy on Twitter while at the same time I was digging into this story that Blizzard certainly didn’t want to come out.

I look forward to any article you write. The insights you provide into the BTS workings of the video game industry are so important. I, and so many others, have little idea how these games are created or promoted when being created. You’re careful, but dedicated to tell the story and clearly have amazing connections

“But can they be stopped??”

You can lone wolf this game and have some fun with it. I mean, the price is right. 

Amplifying Trump’s messages by sharing them whole cloth is in poor taste. This isn’t hard to understand.

Thank you.  I’ve always found her utterly adorable and it’s nice to know that the real person, despite all her travails, is so warm and funny.

Really loved that interview, it was a great read,  so thank you for it.