
John Stewart as voiced by Phil Lamar in the JL animated series is BY FAR my favorite GL. Glad John will get more time, great character.

In some cases, especially when people come in AFTER Unionization, all they see is money coming out of their paycheck. They don’t realize what came before.  

Good voice acting doesn’t get enough credit or exposure here in the States.  It can make or break a game/animation

you know those kits they put on dumb bombs to make them gps guided? that’s all you need. plop that on a tungsten rod and yer done, basically. I know its not THAT simple but its not all that hard, either

if we don’t have some variation of “Rods from God” in space already, I’ll eat my hat.

Anything with Shran in it. Jeffery Combs slays as that character.

My grandfather brought me to Mayport when I was a kid to tour a guided missile frigate.  When we got done, he noticed that the Saratoga was in port but wasnt open to the public.  He flashed his retired Navy creds (was retired Lt. Cmdr) and got a tour of the Saratoga.  I will never forget the tour of that ship.

That was such an awesome episode of DS9

More of a.....guideline.

Yes there is.  Can give it whatever background and stuff you want.  I have used it for importing characters from ME1 into ME to and ME 2 into ME3. 

heh, i played on release.  fan patch was YEARS after

the story and setting were fantastic.  it was buggy, to be sure but a fun time reguardless.

The soundtrack was one of the highlights of the game.  Discovered Darling Violetta through this game.

It’s listed for pre order on Steam, GOG, Paradox Launcher and Epic.  A decent spread of stores.

Oooo, me like

That movie blew my mind as a kid.  Still watch it once a year or so. Love it

Fantastic cosplay and performance.  Good on them!

Orlando still isnt a great city of the world, it just thinks it is. All the parks are south of Orlando, giving the city delusions of grandeur. All Orlando is is paved over orange groves.

Now playing

I always hear this, because of my childhood.