
Yes, you’ve definitely your priorities straight. “This zombie movie is historically inaccurate cos there black people present!”

As someone who started playing in Wrath, left midway through Pandaria and came back a few months ago, I can attest that WoW is a staggeringly different game, especially from the BC days. They’ve definitely made a lot of systemic improvements to the game and they’ve gotten a lot better with their quest and narrative

Hold up.

TailSpin was badass because you know Baloo was three sheets to the wind half the time.

He is not required to unlock the phone.

Nah, c’mon. Two players landing pocket kings in the same hand where a third dude lands pocket aces is just unlikely as hell.

To Mr. Munno, my principal, there’s a whole lot of things I’ve wanted to say to you for a long time. ...suck mah ballz ya bitch ass muvafuckin birdshit ham faced salty cracka. Peaceout!” - First draft of the valedictorian speech I proposed to Jaisaan but he rejected because he’s a better person than me.

So... the Streisand Effect then.

That’s the spin, the more truthful answer is:

THIS is what should happen more at football/soccer tournaments and leagues!

I mean, not that my model is superior (I’ll torch a bridge whenever, if someone’s being shitty and won’t own up to it - fuggit, I can swim), but...yeah, any gal who had an asshole friend like that, and who decided that he should be *my* problem, would be hitting the bricks in short fucking order.

“Is it worth asking A why she puts up with George’s behavior or why she lets him try to run off her boyfriends? Sure. Once.”

Go fuck yourself.

Damn, I forgot Elyse used to be on GameTrailers. She’s funny as hell at Funhaus.

Finally, someone making some sense in here. :D  

And now every single inch of footage of Infinity War will be examined with a fine tooth comb to find where are Wasp and Ant-Man. The result?

Comcast can fuck right off. Disney (read: Marvel) needs rights to X-Men and Fantastic Four.

That’s funny you posting this this since Mike Pondsmith, the person who made Cyberpunk also did work on a Bubblegum Crisis RPG rulebook. Guess he was pretty busy during the 90's

In a gaming landscape where legendary single player devs have been taking a turn toward shared-worlds or whatever, I would pay an extra premium for these types of games.