
Remember when Barack was President and we didn’t have to worry about who anyone was fucking and what porn they were watching?

I will never understand this type of hoarding mentality... As a collector of various things myself—most specifically NEO-GEO arcade games, and Range Murata’s self-published artbooks —I get my joy from actually partaking of the content; playing the games, looking at the artbooks... And as gratifying as it is when

I’m of two minds about this.

Leia is a General and doesn’t have time for this bullshit.

I burst out laughing at Snow White at the end, that was perfect.

I have watched and listened to Totalbiscuit’s work for a lot of years. He could be brazen and loud, but underneath all of that was someone who believed that there was really something called Truth, which is not created, but uncovered and (mis)represented.

Warframe only exists as it does today because of his video. That entire studio was completely out of money until he made a video on their game and it boosted their income. They just cancelled their planned livestream today because of his death. The hosts were crying as they delivered the news.

If you are going to read my comment please read to the end because I’m not going to sugar coat this. I hated Total Biscuit. I hated his guts. I hated his holier than thou attitude, his pretentious demeanor, his talking down to game developers, his dismissal of 30fps games as a whole, his shitty tweets and his voice

He was one of the first people to give indie-games a spotlight. Countless game devs would have likely failed without him. He changed gaming, that’s not far-fetched at all.

Based. Godspeed you limey bastard.

The thing that gets me the most about those people is that they are usually the same people arguing that “MY FAVORITE STREAMER SAID THE N-WORD ONCE, AND APOLOGIZED, ALL IS WELL GET OVER IT!!”

Holy shit. I know the big C comes down hard on some people. But I really expected a few more months out of him. Not really a fan, but I guess I expected him to be around a bit longer. RIP John Bain.

I hope his family and friends are coping with their lost as best they can.

Damn. He practically changed gaming. What a legend. At least the pain is over.

Fuck cancer.

Considering how much budget Amazon’s been willing to toss at LOTR and The Tick, as long as they keep WETA on for effects, this is a match made in heaven (and will probably end up eclipsing SYFY’s run if it goes through!). Bless up, y’all. I’m hungry for some Peaches, and 5 episodes worth ain’t gonna cut it.

This way he holds on to the flute and clutches it to his chest (pictured) just knocks it out of the park.

I almost wish io9 was doing a series on the best episode for each major character.