
Yes, you’re missing something. The SCOTUS decision in Dobbs is that the Court in Roe was wrong to read a right to privacy in the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment because this right to privacy, or anything to do with sex for that matter, wasn’t a consideration when the 14th Amendment was adopted in 1868, and,

Joe Biden spent the first 75+ years of his life believing abortion was wrong, mainly because of his deeply held religious beliefs. When he changed course ahead of the 2020 primaries, it wasn’t because he suddenly changed a deeply held moral belief. It is because he recognized there isn’t much room in a Democratic

Totally fair point. Again, I just think that the OEMs have more pull with the government than all the companies that have their small cost items already made in China. I can also see the EU banding together and sanctioning China just for the optics alone if they don’t get their act together (but who am I kidding,

Price will win out. People seem to have no moral or other qualms about buying CCP products from Walmart, Amazon, etc. as long as the price is cheap enough...

And corporations. Don't forget them. 

I was really jolted by the news as well.


Gotta say, if only Republicans had this sort of “Well, it might be hard because the other side might not just LET us do it, so we shouldn’t even try,” we wouldn’t be in this mess right now.

Thank you, honestly, for reporting on even the small wins right now.

Because what’s the plan if we don’t flip enough seats? We have never in my life had enough votes for the Democrats to codify reproductive rights, so I would really like to have some sort of plan other than just “finally have enough votes for once”. Republicans have had a plan that they’ve been marching forward

Snoozer, fat, bloated, and anonymous - but luxurious and expensive is exactly what these buyers want. They’re fancy busses with nice interiors, great AC, and three rows for families to cart their four kids around in. Rich mom minivans. It’s a GMC Yukon for people that like to say “Jeep.”

According to the roads and parking lots around the energy corridor in Houston, this is a hit. Although now I have no idea if I’ve been seeing the Wagoneer or Grand Wagoneer all this time. 

ha! i laughed at your first remark.

But by doing it in private, he doesn’t get to make a spectacle of his righteousness and piety.

Agree. Such a monumental waste all around. NYPD could have sold these bikes to any number of willing buyers, in bulk Lots. They could be restored and re-sold, and-or parted-out.

When it doesn’t actually lead to a measurable reduction in gun violence or mass shootings, Republicans will crow about how gun control doesn’t work, and they’ll repeal it and use it as evidence for why they won’t support future gun control legislation.

If you’re where I live, no-one blames the oil companies. Everything that is wrong is Biden’s fault and gas would be 99 cent/gallon if the guy that can barely walk (let alone ride a bike) was in charge.

We don’t need a gas tax holiday. That tax money goes to useful things, the lost revenue will just be gotten somewhere else or we’ll just pay more in interest on the debt, and at this price nobody will notice an 18.3 cent reduction.

Good! What’s the point of a super car that drives itself?

Are you talking about the people who think my comment was serious?