
Mozzie has an unknown kid with the hacker (that was played by Lena Headey in season 3), which would have been 13 years ago. She’s in trouble because she’s a little bit her hacker mom, a little bit her con-man father, but also in danger of ruining her life because she’s way in over her head (‘cause, 13). Neal comes

I don’t mind watching ads as long as you’re not a dick about it. But google has decided to be a dick about it. So fuck’em. The technology exists to avoid it so I use it. Google ain’t entitled to me watching ads either. 

Look, we all know it’s because Annie’s Boobs is holding out for more money. 

My 2024 Mazda CX-90's adaptive cruise control is just too damn aggressive no matter what you do with the settings. It’s most notable when you’re passing and there’s a left hand bend and there’s a semi in the right hand lane. At some point the forward facing sensors are going to pick up that semi as ‘in front of you’

They could put some sort of strain gauge in the mount that could report back the estimated weight in there. It should be able to tell if there’s an extra 75lbs + in there that shouldn’t be there.

Dear All of Hollywood.

Nobody bothers to ask the rest of us if we want all these ‘good guys’ running around with their boom sticks ‘protecting’ us. Keep your toys at home. I don’t trust your judgement and bullets are notoriously hard to take back if you make an ‘oopsies’.

No, this was 100% a tragedy of one person’s making. And that going to prison for murder for the tragedy they caused.

The reason for franchise laws is protecting the “franchise system”.

Sounds like Franchise Laws simply don’t need to exist then.

The fact we have to do it at all.

I’m talking about progressive ideology championing censorship, and that is absolutely true.

What strawman argument? I thought you were a progressive. Do progressives champion free speech?

I don’t think you understand the word “censorship”. Nothing I’ve written would be “censorship”.

Fucking Nazis, and you being forced to read their tweets

Why the fuck is anyone talking about Twitter anyway? Just let the KKK and Neo-nazis have the fuckin’ thing and be done with it. They can jerk each other off all they want in their little echo chamber of morons and let the rest of us out of having to hear anything about that House of Failures.

Good news!

Doesn’t matter if that deadline is 5 years away or 50 - people were going to put this off until they absolutely couldn’t. This notion that the market will naturally evolve toward a fundamentally disruptive technology without pain is absolutely ludicrous. Either it’d happened because people couldn’t afford $20/gallon

My take? The world will be a better place when car dealerships are an option.

This was never going to happen without some pain. Putting a stopgap in there just kicks that inevitable pain down the road. We’ll never develop the infrastructure until we absolutely must develop the infrastructure. We’ll never make the transition until we have no other choice. There are zero scenarios where NADA