
I have to think you’re responding to a different article. I wrote about Work From Home. That’s literally not leaving your home to work, which means you wouldn’t need to do anything with your vehicle no matter what powers it.

Yes, but what about that sweet, sweet corporate culture??? (/sarcasm)

They aren’t, and when you look at the pay/benefits/bonuses of their “unskilled” (hate that term) workers it’s WAY WAY better than any other industry. Is it fair they should get more?

It doesn’t matter what it takes to operate a company if the company is making a profit. That’s a red herring. Whatever that number is, GM make $13b MORE than that number. If they took just 10% of that profit and gave it to the 146,000 workers, that’s $8,900 per worker. That’s not a paltry sum. What should Ford do?

Funny how that works. Ignore enough treaties long enough and it becomes open for business!

I actually have a degree in economics! You have to get to the advanced stuff to learn why the basic stuff doesn’t really cut it in the real world. A lot of people think what they learned in Micro/Macro 101 (or even international economics 101) covers it all. It really doesn’t.

They’re already doing A and B. Which is why you put that labor supplement tax on the finished good. Make it wherever makes you happy - still gonna pay the tax.

Maybe. Weird thing about production - efficiencies don’t matter when you can’t sell shit because your customers can’t buy anything.

No, we all should move to a 32 hour work week for the same pay. Workers fought 100 years or so ago for a 40 hour work week. Now the rich are rich enough. It’s LOOOOONNNGGGGG past time for a 32 hour work week.

Not exactly. Sentencing is a thorny thing. It teases at the philosophical question of “what’s the purpose of incarceration?” Is it punishment? Deterrent? Reformation? All three? If it’s all three, then to what degree do you take each into consideration when picking a number between the minimum and maximum guidelines

But only if it’s the discount pricing of $6/month. 

Given that the engine itself can’t run without ‘software’, I think BMW’s parsing of ‘hardware/software’ is somewhat arbitrary. They’re trying to train customers that this bit is somehow different. A ‘feature’ with a subscription isn’t a ‘feature’ in my book. It’s just an attempt to extend the transaction costs.

It’s the electoral map equivalent of that brawl that happened a few weeks ago in (let me check my notes here) - Alabama!

That’s the real selling point of Notepad. You can use it for a lot of system files and whatnot to quickly edit/update something. WordPad sticks a lot of that formatting junk in there and causes problems. I use a third party product, Notepad++ , but if that didn’t exist, I’d riot without Notepad.

Oh dang, I didn’t realize Sophie was that young.

Hold on a second! The company who owns the company that stopped making manual only 911 GTS only to switch gears (hehe) and go back making it manual again a couple of years later says this is the LAST manual transmission GTI?

My guess is Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Seems like she could fit that bill. 

Easily the best live show I ever saw was Blues Traveler in the mid 90's just before they got really big. I think it was before “Run Around” broke on the charts. I was at Syracuse at the time and the show was in some small college around that area. I can’t remember where it was. A friend and I caught the show and man

That’s why I didn’t go watch it. Call me when the story is done. I get “Part One” comes to a resolution, but I don’t want some resolution, I want the resolution. I’ll watch both streaming when Part 2 comes out on streaming.

Hopefully sooner. I want Kentucky on the board and force the GOP to put some funds, however meager, that way. Every dollar there is a dollar they can’t spend somewhere that matters to the Senate balance outcome.