I think they should mock a little louder, sugar.
I think they should mock a little louder, sugar.
This was rather good, so I expect AVC to fire Todd within the next few weeks.
I was punished too - and all I did was buy a ticket.
I remember another famous review on another media site. It was 2011 and we hadn’t yet known about that sweet laurel canyon sound.
I didn’t know Pitchfork got shutdown. Bummer. It was the quintessential indie snob website that became popular when I was in college.
parody is fair use, ya silly goose!
I’m always a bit mystified that people rarely credit Sigourney Weaver’s performance in Ghostbusters. Her acting elevated the movie, and the chemistry between her and Bill Murray created the heart of the story. IMHO, that’s the missing piece of the sequels - someone outside the primary quartet you actually cared about.
Don’t forget all the 1960s sitcoms! I’m solidly GenX, but I can describe most of the episodes of Bewitched, I Dream of Jeanie, and Gilligan’s Island to this day due to repeated exposure.
more like sad and dreary, but yeah, it was a musical
i think we really lost something when we stopped giving low-level villains monster truck fleets (see also: tango and cash)
A by-the-book actioner that’s sunk by indifferent performances, muddled storylines, and stilted dialogue.
We’re gonna need some more FBI guys, I guess.
Bronson Pinchot didn’t seem so wild about him.
There’s no need for Denny’s (or IHOP, for a more expensive option) if you have 3-5 mom n’ pops offering the same shit at $3-$4 cheaper.
I guess “fun” is subjective.
Carl Dune FTW.
“Don’t ask me, I’m just a blogger *teehee*"
Wait, wait, wait - they have zero taste for not liking Disturbed or Alien Ant Farm? Was there some kind of Daylight Savings error and we fell back to the early 2000s?