“Since then, Gillis has continued to work steadily as a comedian”
“Since then, Gillis has continued to work steadily as a comedian”
Mmmmmm Tillamook cheese *Homer drool*
It’s the car punching because big dramatic theme song build and then *ahhhhhhh!* Genius move by whoever made that call.
Why, are they assholes or something? I don’t like any of the seltzers so I have no dog in this hunt, but I’m definitely curious.
Aaron Rodgers used to present as pretty normal and even thoughtful.
I am a beer head primarily still but I think craft beer specifically would stand a better chance if 80% of the offerings weren’t some kind of IPA variant.
If you bar claims to have 50 taps and 48 of them are IPAs, then you actually only have 3 taps.
Also keep in mind that this is carefully curated food for reviewers and influencers.
I agree that I think this will happen but I’m surprised as to why. Why is there no point to seeing it if there’s no more DCEU tho? Why are peoples enjoyment of this genre purely the big team ups? What if, this film turns out to be someones favourite film of all time? Nah forget it it’s not ‘building’ to anything. So?…
they definitely britta’d those phases
A Bewitched Dick transplant.
*Kevin Feige bursts into the room inexplicably wearing a Chiquita Banana costume*
I got a Community notification for this?!
Phases 4 and 5 will hereon in be referred to as the “gas leak phases”
I really don’t think that’s it. I think what derailed it was JJ’s determination to “right the wrongs of Rian Johnson”, and while I really didn’t like The Last Jedi, RoS ended up being far worse.
Which is especially shitty given what a great cast they put together for the new characters. Along with Driver, Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, and Oscar Isaac are all charming as fuck and they had great chemistry together.
Without Christmas shoes we would never get the rant by Patton Oswalt about the song which is comedy gold
Who puts Weird Al on ANY worst-of list?
I forget what Katt Williams said exactly about cancel culture, but the gist was pretty much “People don’t find this shit funny anymore. If you’re making people mad instead of making them laugh, that’s a you problem. Comedy should be making the most amount of people laugh.”
It is such an old and stale joke.