
There’s a scene where Mei is on the bus and it is raining  and we are seeing her from the outside through the window that is just amazing looking. Watching the raindrops streak across the pane. Very great animation.

To be fair, those White Christian Mothers are also complaining about Godlessness and heathenism.

That’s true. And while I don’t necessarily think what he created was “crap,” I just think they were good for the supplemental cartoon material of that era, and not for Live Action Star Wars going forward. 

I think I agree with you. Filoni seems like he is lavishly devoted to the Prequel era of Star Wars to the detriment of moving beyond that time period. 

Things I liked about this show:

I wasn’t talking smack about OT Vader. I just don’t think Rogue One Vader was like OT Vader. He seemed more like Jason or Michael Myers in Rogue One.

I feel the opposite, sure the last name “gag” was pretty dumb, but it is a one minute wink at the audience (A giant Stage Wink to be sure) whereas the Darth Vader scene in Rogue One was basically an unnecessary coda that was at odds with the movie and with the Vader we see in the original trilogy. This Vader is not

I hope you enjoy Clue. I love that movie so much. The whole cast is topnotch. It was my go-to sick day movie growing up.

Fair enough. I guess I would’ve read about it being a Shot-for-shot remake in Entertainment Weekly or something. 

When did you see the shot for shot Psycho remake? When it came out every single talking point was how it was a shot for shot remake. Thyat was the whole purpose of the movie.

Well, they didn’t want to say “White guys,” but apparently they should have.

The Ice Age movies are crap. My kids love them though so I will most likely be watching this on our next movie night.

HIMYM and Game of Thrones are very similar (for me anyway) Great shows that I loved in the beginning, that became kind of bad after the initial great seasons. Came back very strong in the early part of the final season. Then were derailed by a terrible finale (though GoT went terrible faster in the final Season,

My 4-year old cried when Lizzie went home. She said Lizzie was her favorite. It was a sad moment for her, for all of us. Her final cake was beautiful.

I’m not sure how that is connected as those were clearly two separate people.

Sweet sweet can

I kind of fell in love with Michael Sheen in Good Omens. This keeps the love going.

Don’t forget the persecution. Christians love to say they are being persecuted. 

There’s a lot of rules, but they are fairly easy to pick up on. My 11 year old with minimal Board Game experience is doing just fine. If you are your go-to guy for rules interpretation, yeah, you won’t be concerned. Currently I’d say the length of the Original game is the only thing that puts me off. Each scenario

My Board Game group has been playing Gloomhaven for a few months now and it has been pretty awesome. The game itself, while complicated, is easy enough to get a handle on. Eventually you’ll start working on tactics instead of trying to remember the rules. Though we still pull out the rulebooks for a lot of situations.