Or just leave them on that island and never give them another thought.
Or just leave them on that island and never give them another thought.
I’m very excited for this.
I really enjoyed The Horrors’ debut. It fulfilled my goth garage needs. Then Primary Colours came out and I hated the change in sound. But then Skying came out, and someone recommended it to me and I loved it. One of my favorite albums that year. I went back to Primary Colours and liked it so much more now that I…
Similar to Beavis and Butthead, The State is also plagued by music licensing rights. The classic Barry & Levon Puddin’ sketch has been forever marred by the re-recorded vocals. The Pants sketch also is brought down a few pegs by not including “Cannonball” A shame really.
I love The Rescuers. One of my favorite movies as a little kid. We had the storybook/record of it and I listened to it all the time.
Well, I find them boring. All that swordfighting and adventure setpieces are wasted on the bloated mess that is the sequels. It’s all spectacle in service of nothing interesting.
That first Pirates movie really was a surprisingly great film. A bit overstuffed sure, but it was fun. The rest of them were overstuffed, but not fun.
I remember growing up and a lot of commercials would have Pueblo CO as the city to mail to for more information. I think I thought that Pueblo had numerous printing presses.
Oh man, I remember when DragonHeart came out and there on the movie screen was an awesome looking CGI dragon. (This was 1996 and it looked awesome) and I thought, “Now they can finally do an awesome Dragonlance movie.
I read that yeah. Humanity is gross.
We watched it with my pre-schooler last year, and boy howdy did she end up bawling. But it happened at the end of the movie when ET goes home. She just wanted him to stay with his best friend Elliot. So many tears that night.
As a single kid at the time it was released I was very much scared during ET. Not so much Zrek himself, but the part where he dies and turns weird and grey (pictured above) I also was scared of the Doctors and their plastic tubing. The beginning scenes in the forest scared me as well.
This is great. As a latchkey kid growing up in the 80's of course I was all over MTV. Remote Control is a perfect encapsulation of the Gen X experience. Irreverence, sarcasm, syndicated TV, and music videos. My brothers and I would dream of being on this show. It was great.
Yeah, that was pretty gross on the Fuller House cast’s part. It was good to ask, but when the twins refused because why shouldn’t they, the cast and writer’s should have left it alone.
When I was younger I found the ubiquity of the Olsen Twins’ schlock to be annoying. Also, the “I can’t wait until they are 18" crowd to be especially gross. Then about a year ago my daughter was watching one of their videos at my Sister in Law’s house. And the sheer amount of crap that they were peddling in front of…
Young Tom Hanks, showing that range all in one scene.
Great in the trailer. Not so great in the movie.
By this point in time I only saw Revenge of the Sith in theaters out of obligation. I had convinced myself I liked Phantom Menace, and that was the last one I actually purchased on home release. Attack of the Clones was so bad though that I knew that the Prequels were poorly executed messes. Sure, we were now, finally…
Wow moments in the sequels:
It’s all in the reflexes.