
You have not experienced Shakespeare until you have read him in the original Klingon.

Wow, I starred at that forever and would not have guessed that was み or any other character without your help. I would guess Samiko, I feel like Sa has the most variance when written. They might write messy (I assume they were really young, spelling everything with Hiragana), but they can draw one heck of a radish!

I think that’s correct, Crystal was a GBC exclusive while Gold/Silver was just “enhanced” for the GBC and Super Gameboy.

As a former subway employee in my youth, we had a deli slicer that was used to cut the red onion and tomatoes, so unless they send those pre-sliced now (like literally everything else), your first sentence is wrong, they do have deli slicers on site.

Ooo that’s interesting, I didn’t think about the correlation with release of From Russia With Love and the GoldenEye Reloaded featuring Craig’s Bond. I didn’t blink an eye with Brosnan up until FRWL and then Craig afterward. 

Because Microsoft now owns Rare who made the game. That’s one of the rights issues that stopped it from be re-released up until now most likely Nintendo and Microsoft had a hard time coming to an agreement on it.

I’m surprised the PSP and the Vita haven’t had their batteries swell at this point.

Watched this yesterday after reading this, didn’t really care for it, it’s not bad by any means, it just didn’t hold my attention for some reason. I think the best guy friend seeming oblivious to the fact that his friend is a girl until it’s made clear he might have feelings for her and knows she’s a girl got

I found it interesting the claim came from Nintendo of America instead of Nintendo of Japan. I know they’re the same company, but NoA operates under American laws and is established as a company in the states for a reason.

Thanks for the heads up about the bars, I was thinking about getting one. I’ve seen there’s penny mods for the pads.

Hey don’t put that on me, I’m still playing rhythm games! I recently bought a L-TEK hard DDR pad from Poland and it’s my favorite thing ever. Been playing Project Outfox for like an hour a day for the past few months.

Come on, no iZombie created by Rob Thomas (the creator of Veronica Mars) having Rob Thomas (of Matchbox Twenty and that awesome Santana song) cameo on the season 3(?) finale of iZombie and turning him into a zombie/killing him? (I think, I just remember he was in the episode)

Weird take, Levi. I don’t think anyone here wanted Rockstar to sully (or even water down) the GTA franchise just as it was taking off. Plus timing wise, Eminem was still shooting 8 Mile and Rockstar was turning around Vice City in a year or less, so they probably wouldn’t have been the ones to write the movie, not

The internet and/or humanity was a mistake.

While I think artists should get paid for their works, doesn’t Deviant Art have the same clause photo sharing sites like Facebook and Instagram have in their Terms and Conditions? That any uploader gives the platform the right to use their uploads as the platform sees fit? People act like they’re entitled to sites

The way the cours are set to release for this season, I wouldn’t be surprised if the high school drama stuff lasts the first 12/13 episodes. They’re definitely slow burning the set-up which is nice, but now at episode 4, I’m waiting for the other boot to drop.

I mean you can’t have a show kill two streaming services… right? Nah, I’m excited! Peacock did a good job with the two Psych movies they released… I think. I haven’t subscribed to watch the third one yet.

Was about to come down to the comments and be like wtf is this article, but then I saw you wrote it John “Bad Take” Walker and it all makes sense now. Well done, sir, I really need to pay attention to the byline before reading haha. Glad to see you’re still around.

Thank you for that, me and my series 4 were confused playing around in the accessibility settings.

It’s definitely not, shakeups like this happen all the time. Today they still had their morning show The Feedback and their movie podcast/show Full Screen Attack. Tomorrow we have The Feedback, Name Your Price (a fun game show hosted by AustinShow and Will Neff), Hey Donna a loveline esque dating life advice call in