
That’s weird, I’ve always found the crumpet goes stale after a day and then gets rock hard when microwaved, so I usually wrap it in a damp paper towel.

Maybe it’s because I’m not a sneaker head, but for a movie tie-in shoe, it looks pretty accurate? Which I assume is the point?

Eastward was a good game! It was charming and had an interesting story, decent combat, and a great soundtrack. I wonder how much more purchases they’ll get at this point with a physical release?

Eastward was a good game! It was charming and had an interesting story, decent combat, and a great soundtrack. I

If only we had these sort of tricks in the first 3D games on the N64, that’s really cool they had the foresight to do that.

I haven’t played to full game, like Kotaku DOT COM, but I did okay the demo last weekend and boy did I have a smile on my face the entire time! It’s cute and fun! And the only death I had was from a bad camera and not realizing death was on the other side of the open railing.

That’s literally what you said in the article lol

I feel like the fact the writer mentioned they made their kid take an allergy pill immediately kind of signified that they might’ve been allergic. 

It depends on the game. I find that as I get older I have less time to play, but I make time for the games I really want to play.

Came here to make this same joke, well done.

That’s funny, someone on Attack of the Show saw it in the same format and raved about it, specifically when the Batmobile did the engine rev. I used to see the MCU movies in a similar format (it didn’t have the mist) at the local galaxy theater until the closer cinema put in recliner chairs and wasn’t 20 minutes away.

Didn’t SWSH eventually add the remaining Pokémon not in the game during the DLCs? Or are there still some missing?

Given the green background and coloring of the cat, I’ve guessing at least grass type.

That’s pretty much the cycle, the remakes don’t get the breathing room because they’re more to just tide you over until the next Gen release.

Yeah, what is with Nintendo and making us pay yearly subscriptions for things that don’t have enough features to justify paying for it?

I have one of the cheaper models (V6), which was still probably double to triple the price of a regular vacuum, but my place is small and its lack of size is worth the price, not to mention it’s the best vacuum I’ve ever owned. It came with a wall mount that I never used because I didn’t want to mount it to a wall (I

I have one of the cheaper models (V6), which was still probably double to triple the price of a regular vacuum, but

Man I really need to learn illustrator, thank you for the insight!

A hexagon tool is going to make a hexagon the same way every time, I think the giveaway that someone didn’t just drop it into illustrator is exactly what you think proves it, the overlay. If it was the same art the overlap on the S&F would be exact (except for the distinct style choice differences). Also where the

I don’t think they copied the clip art, they just went with a very lazy/generic logo design. It is impressive how close the clip art almost nails it though.

Honestly it started as sarcasm but I started drinking the koolaid by the end of it lol