
I’m hoping Newt Gingrich will replicate his “YOU CAN’T EVEN CALL CLINTON A SEXUAL PREDATOR” meltdown. Because that was comedy gold.

He’s still got those damn whiteboards.

Megyn Kelly gave me life that night. Such a trooper.

Watching Fox News when it becomes clear the Republicans won’t take the White House is good. Election night is the one night where you can’t really spin the news when the results don’t go your way. Until then it’s exhausting.

I have the feeling that we’ll see it in grand fashion... maybe even by Donald himself.

I always watch Fox News on election night. Their coverage can only be described as petty, messy, and extra.

Yes, but will it get to Karl Rove 2012 meltdown insanity levels before the end of the night?

Also, I never leave the house without Chapstick. I legit have 15 tubes scattered around my house at any given time. I’m sorry you don’t know the joy of having soft, protected-from-UV-rays lips, Chris Wallace.

I’m wondering how stylists find this stuff out before events to make sure people don’t wear the same/similar outfits. Do they compare notes?

UGH that dress was gorgeous she should have worn it anyway. Instead now every time I think about Anne’s Oscar I think about how bad the darting was on that Prada dress.

An excellent meme

And then we all got annoyed that Jennifer Lawrence seemed like she wasn’t trying because she was trying too hard to not be trying too hard. I feel like our pop culture cycle is just ruthless to female talent.

Because Amanda Seyfried’s dress was “too similar” to what Hathaway was planning on wearing so her look was put together at the last minute.
Anne was gonna wear the gown on the right.

I don’t even remember it. All I remember of her at that Oscars was her dress/necklace combo was weird. Which was apparently due to some sort of last minute dress problem?

At NYU or Vassar? I took a sociology class with her at Vassar (class of ~1o people) and she seemed lovely and pretty chill.

The load of shit she got always struck me as very bitch eating crackers.

Yeah, I was so bored with the hate she got. It was so symptomatic of the bullshit standard of *effortless* perfection women, especially celebs, get held to. Hathaway showed that she was working hard to be liked and validated. Everyone remember how at this time Jennifer Lawrence was at peak adulation and everyone loved

My good friend from college had smoked pot with her once because HER bestie happened to have Hathaway as a roommate when Hathaway was doing the college thing post princess diaries. And she said she was so nice and real and funny and self-deprecating. When all the hathahating started, I couldn’t get my friends very

she didn’t deserve any of the hate she got. we made fun of her for being thirsty for an oscar when everyone in the industry is. why did she get singled out?