
I have also been triggered by Trump. But the US is a patriarchal society. The US has very low gender equality. We like to pretend that women are equal to men, but women are not.

Exactly. This story paints a hazy picture of a girl who died SOMEHOW during a rape and her heart... just gave up? South American outlets all reported on what happened... Further North people are afraid of offending sensitivities. Because it really matters you know, that Susan isn’t made uncomfortable right before she

‘Since Gawker Closed’ is a fine epitaph for the comments section on Deadspin now.

I can’t wait for the #notAllMen guy to show up.

My advice is do not read comments on that article starting from the very top.

I think the brutality of HOW she died is so important to this story. Thank you for sharing, even though it was horrific to read. Media outlets should be publishing that information. The story I read said her heart gave out after she was raped. That was NOT how she died. Stop sugar coating it. Stop protecting men

There’s a series on Vice called Woman. It’s hosted by Gloria Steinem. One episode discussed femicide in El Salvador. It went into why, among other topics, women who are killed in gang violence are much more likely to be tortured before being murdered, as opposed to male gang members. I just sat there thinking, “fuck

This is horrible and goes on beyond rape into torture.

I think there was a huge demonstration in Santiago Chile as well, also related to violence against women. It seems to be particularly acute in traditional patriarchal countries, doesn’t it? I wonder why.*

Good on you and please be safe.

I feel that you are doing a disservice by not reporting how she died. She was impaled with a sharp stick. From her anus to her heart. She was 16. This is what men do to women, even today, even in developed countries. I’m sorry if I offend sensitive Americans, but news are not there to placate us. This level of

Well that’s what rape is. It’s a power trip.

Likely friends or family members of the accused men, though there are terrible people in the world who just do stuff like that because it makes them feel powerful.

The family and supporters are trying to encourage a cultural change that would allow women to stop being submissive and would punish men for the violence that they perpetuate against women. That’s scary and intimidating to people who benefit from the status quo or are staunchly conservative.

I’m attenting a protest rally in Santiago, Chile in solidarity for her and similar cases. The rallying cry that beame popular in social media is #NiUnaMenos: “Not A Single One More”

“This violence is trying to teach us a lesson, it wants to put us back in a traditional role into which we don’t fit any more,” says Cantabria. “It’s not a specific blow by a specific man against one woman in particular, it’s a message to all women to return to our stereotypical roles.”

Some depraved fools feel that reporting details of a crime is a betrayal of the community. It happens in the US too. I recall Gawker reported on a young child killed in a gang shooting whose mother was being threatened so she wouldn’t reveal what she knew.

That poor poor child.

And why in the hell would her family get death threats because their daughter was raped so hard she died?! WTF world do we live in that that’s something to be expected?!

So the police of Rosario fired into the crowd of women protesting against violence towards women?