
Birth control is kind of like Yelp reviews — you hear less feedback from people with good experiences. I haven’t read the studies linked in the article but it seems like research on this is split.

I only realized that a form of low hormonal oral BC had made me depressed once I stopped taking it. A tremendous weight had been lifted. It was amazing. I switched to the Mirena and the depression did not return.

as a non-scientist woman, i completely agree with AND APPRECIATE everything you just said.

I am a scientist and I have personally experienced severe mood side effects from certain hormonal contraceptives. With that position stated upfront, I was pleased that this study had the impact that it did. It’s unfortunate (but not surprising) that many headlines/readers ran straight for the implication of a) a huge

My birth control actually made me less depressed. I had less mood swings and was stable mentally when I took them routinely. They really helped me through a hard time in my life. The only reaction I had was turning exceptionally photosensitive to the point that I couldn’t get near the sunlight. Which is why I

My thought upon reading this study was: “You know what else is really depressing? The thought of, every month for the rest of my life, having to miss three days of doing anything because I’m vomiting from pain while blood gushes out of my vagina.”

The look the Hillary supporter shoots the camera when the Trump lunatic says he won over women is basically this election in a nutshell.

someone on my fb shared a blog post from someone titled something along the lines of - I’m a white woman, sexual assault victim & this is why I’m voting for trump. I couldn’t bring myself to read it.

I am far less sanguine. I think the Lexington at The Economist makes a pretty good case for taking all this white rage, polishing the delivery, and then redirecting it into a very effective 2020 campaign:

Can we cancel the rest of 2016? Let people watch the remaining episodes on Netflix later, if they must.

Now playing

I was watching this that somehow is related:

Tha fact that we even take this man seriously is proof that rape culture is alive and well. This man should be in jail and instead he may become president. THIS is why women don’t report their rapes because nobody will believe them. 1 in 3 women will be raped in their lifetime. Look around you, men. You’re

Early voting has started and is expected to set a record in Ohio. Smart money says that this election will be locked up even before election day rolls around. Time for Hills’ transition team to begin ordering furniture.

We’re watching the implosion of a political aprty in real time. It’s fucking amazing.

I know it’s so bad:(

Also this seems like the bitter talk of a man who has tried to convince dozens of women to have a threesome with him, but never succeeded.

To sidetrack just a little bit, has there been an article about Rush Limbaugh’s latest dumb comments on consent and rape?

In his defense, removing himself from her life forever was one way to cure her of a cancer.

Ugh, it was an awful flight. There was a baby crying, they ran out of V8, and this guy in a lumpy suit grabbed me by the pussy.

Newt Gingrich, a man who served one of his multiple wives with divorce papers while she was recovering from cancer, is a man eminently qualified to speak of Donald Trump’s character.