As far as I know, the only victim who’s been compensated here is Kathy Shelton, given $2500 from a Trump PAC to participate in that “roundtable” the other afternoon. (And, you know, more power to her. I don’t know how much it cost her to fly out and do this thing and probably avoid work for a while, so I’m not…
I actually had tears in my eyes listening to a woman on MSNBC (whose name unfortunately I can’t remember) as these stories were breaking talk about Crooks’ boyfriend saying he didn’t think it was the physical intrusion that upset Crooks so much as it was the feeling of powerlessness...that she couldn’t say or do…
as the son of a father and the brother of a brother, i couldnt agree more.
What’s amazing is I really think he might have gotten away with this had he and his campaign not been so stupid as to break out Bill’s past to use against Hillary. If he had kept his mouth shut and hadn’t started giving signals that he was going to bring up these charges in the debate, I don’t believe that the Access…
I think it’s kind of disturbing that we’re talking about the women instead of their male relatives.
And let’s not forget that he has been treated very unfairly by the press until this month. And by unfairly, I mean being given an inordinate amount of attention while never being called on his shit by the media.
I am 32. I consider myself a strong ass woman. Not a victim. NEVER a victim. But what is shocking, and humbling about this entire election is the fact that other women are speaking out about things that I have just accepted in my life as part of being a woman, and that I’ve forgotten about until now. I truly forgot…
I can’t remember where I read it, but supposedly both Trump and Jared Kushner were made aware of the “grab them by the pussy” tape a day or two before it was released. They shrugged it off, because they didn’t think it would be a big deal.
It makes me fear for my rights and safety as a woman. No election has ever done that.
I honestly think he never gave a second thought to any of this before now, because he never considered that there was a possibility that these women might not have liked it before now.
How is this woman so evil, first of all, but also HOW did she not see that coming?
#Repealthe19th, ladies and gentlemen. That’s where we’re at now. This election season has gone so far below the bottom of the barrel, so quickly, that it has punctured a hole in space-time. It now dwells in a dimension that lacks even the concept of barrels.
Uh...Why did he think it would be a good idea to run for office?
She’s bad at this. OBVIOUSLY they’re doing it for the sweet, sweet rape money.
Did she just get owned by Don fucking Lemon? Oooh, honey.