
The more I see of her, the more she looks like a younger Cate Blanchett, to be honest. She looks like JLaw in the still shot here, but like Cate in the video. Poor girl I hope she can shake this “Who does she remind me of” vibe

Well, thank you. It was pretty telling that the person who actually reported what the Paris cops said then called me out for saying pretty much the same thing. I asked them, “and how is what I said different from what the police said?” reply. So, yeah.

I feel that Kim K is in a whole other category from your average richie. In addition to what her brand calls for, she’s followed - literally - by a horde of people, namely paparazzi, and then fans who want to try to see her. I think we would find out where she was fairly easily.

let me just say it, bellow the neck would do, above the neck she can keep him.

The criticism piled on you was absurd. I got mugged once because I took a sketchy subway line too late at night & while I don’t “blame” myself, I know damn well my actions made me a perfect target. Apparently we should all pretend to live in a 100% safe world, never blame our own actions for anything, & cry

I have friends who will be legitimately saddened by this news, to whom I am anonymously saying here “GIRL MOVE ON WITH YOUR LIFE HE’S NOT WORTH YOUR MENTAL ENERGY”.

So the French police stated that the celebrity was targeted based on her social media postings, and I was very roundly criticized in comments for “victim-blaming” because I agreed with them.

Unrelated : I need a Malia and Sasha fashion watch blog because these girls outfits are amaaaaazing!

I know I do and he’s younger than me.

To be fair, we also all wish Michelle was our mom, too.

In the context of the whole “running for President” thing it changes pretty easily to shocking.

I think everyone kind of wishes, deep down, that Obama was their dad.

She was taught daddy sexualizing her was normal and loving.

Oh I agree, but you can see it in how Ivanka and hubby Jared have tried repeatedly to steer Trump into being less awful on the campaign trail that she cares deeply about their brand.

It’s weird to me that something Donald Trump knowingly and intentionally said on a nationwide broadcast of the Howard Stern Show could now be dragged out as “shocking.”

I can’t help but feel somewhere deep in her heart she wishes Obama was her real father.

If anything Tiffany is the “normal” one - trying to distance herself as much as possible from her orange buffoon sperm donor

And the theory that she was abused early and often until she thought it was normal and internalized it grows stronger...

I eagerly await the items about KK clashing with her security staff about how her social media posting habits compromise her safety.