
Of course it is; no one’s denying that! The point being made here is that Donald Trump has been openly despicable for quite some time now, but people are reacting to these tapes as though they never knew he was capable of such things, which is completely ridiculous. Personally, it’s been months since I first realized

I know, right?

His base is still with him and mad at those abandoning him.

These leaks are great and all but they’re just preaching to the choir. His base is still with him and mad at those abandoning him.

You are exactly right and it is so enraging. That Trump is a racist is documented all the way back in the 70s. Just for one: He and his dad refused to rent to black people. It’s grotesque that people can even pretend that his racism is at all in question, regardless of his use of the n-word.


Mark Cuban is election Santa.

Surely Mark Cuban can dig around his couch cushions and come up with the 5 million. For America.

Especially since it’s sponsored by Macy’s and broadcast by NBC, both of whom terminated their contracts with Trump last year over his remarks. The irony would be the icing and the maraschino cherry on the cake!

If it is possible/real Mark Cuban will absolutely make this investment. I have never seen someone get so much glee out of the demise of Trump except maybe Hillary.

Here’s what’s frustrating about this: We already knew he was a racist. He’s already dehumanized black americans, latino americans, muslim americans. He’s a racist.

If he does I want him to be Grand Marshal of the Thanksgiving Day Parade.

Please please Mark Cuban. I’ve never asked you for anything. This is all I want.

Surprised Burnett has draconian NDAs that protect Trump? Nope

I remember her from Music and Lyrics, which I love.

Stand your Ground is for white men. There was a prosecutor in Florida (IIRC) who explicitly said that the law shouldn’t count for domestic violence victims.

And the father who accidently shot his son to death at a range faces no repercussions. And the hundreds of parents who leave their children alone in a room with a loaded gun face no repercussions. And parents of children who kill their siblings with their guns face no repercussions.

Can someone please explain to me why many states are totally cool with Stand Your Ground laws/using deadly force to “prevent death or great bodily harm” but this little girl faces life in prison for shooting someone who repeatedly threatened to kill his entire family with that very gun?

Weeelllllllll... The reason charges were brought is because she shot him while he was sleeping, so premeditation is key there. I think it’s pretty clear she tried everything she could before she came to the conclusion that killing the guy was her family’s only way out. We have laws, vengeance isn’t the answer, can’t