
I heard that story, too. I nearly crashed my car into a tree purely out of rage. I know NPR has to give equal air time to opposing opinions because of like the law and journalistic integrity and shit, but can we draw the line at outright idiocy and misogyny ? Please?

I heard a lady on NPR the other day who was pro-Trump because Hillary, “spent the whole debate flirting with the camera.”

Trump caught on video bragging about groping women:

Asians are the last refuge of the American racist. The last people they can abuse with no consequences. It truly is amazing the level of racism that is deemed acceptable to direct at Asian people the equivalent of which would grant instant pariah status were it directed at any other minority group.

The fact that they

Jesse Watters’ hideously offensive Chinatown segment for The O’Reilly Factorhas gotten plenty of attention since it was inexplicably aired on television, triggering protests outside Fox News, and even a derisive statement from New York City mayor Bill de Blasio.

This is a great response, I hope a LOT of people see it. The embedded video will not play for me for some reason, but you helpfully put the key content in the text.

Oooo, this is good...

They transformed “turn the other cheek” into “turn down the other check.” #Blessed

As much as I do not like the Catholic Church (that is a lot, by the way), and as badly as they’ve handled the sex abuse committed by its clergy, I don’t really find much fault in this particular action.

New York Archdiocese Will Compensate Sex Abuse Victims if They Relinquish Their Right to Sue

I would sue them.

at which point they magically transubstantiate child abuse victims into child prostitutes.

I legit saw the trailer for Magnificent 7, and went straight to IMDB all like “Is JLaw secretly one of the seven? That would be a really cool update! Why would they keep it a secret?” an then was so confused she wasn’t listed in the credits.

this movie is fine and Emily Blunt should be nominated for something.

Does anyone else wonder if Emily Blunt is the type of person who speaks no-nonsense and right to the point?

Women and minorities have to be twice as awesome to be perceived as equal with men in a biased environment. It makes complete sense once hiring is done by women or non-gender biased individuals that those twice as awesome women and minorities will be promoted more. And maybe even take over leadership.

Wait, that’s NOT JLaw?


The movie ultimately plays out a bit like a train ride. You spend a lot of time wondering, Are we there yet? And then, before you know it, you are, and that’s that.