Holy crap -- Does Giuliani have a son in WI no one knows about?! It’s uncanny!
Nailed it like Angela Lansbury
Now it makes A LOT more sense, yes.
You can. I donated to Wendy Davis. Prolly gonna throw this lady some money as well. It’s just the regular private donation to campaign cap. If you want to donate more, you have to do it through a PAC.
I just did. So I hope it’s ok. Go to her facebook (in the article) and there’s a link to her act blue on facebook.
You can donate to any candidate regardless of location or distance.
It’s crazy to me that people my age are running for national office. Right now I’m subjected to this smarmy fuck. His face is so punchable.
Billy Long, who’s been in office since 2011 and is in the regular habit of holding strangely expensive fundraising rallies, including one at a Taylor Swift concert and one at a Jerry Seinfeld performance.
Yeah, but...
Glitzy Vegas vacations?
I hope so, otherwise I’m going to jail many times over.
Taylor Swift, Jerry Seinfeld, and Celine Dion.
we should all donate to her! that sort of style deserves a little cash. can we donate out of state?
Thank god. Sean Hannity is the real victim in this election, and now he has gotten some justice.
We get it, Sean, she wouldn’t fuck you. Get over it.
I’m just glad that someone finally called Sean Hannity.
This is the heartwarming news of the day. That and UKIP deciding to settle dispute with fists.