
He calls it a “mayonegg”

FUCKING WATCH SOME VEEP DON! Oh wait, it has strong women in it...nm.

It’s the year where just about anyone feels like they’re qualified to run the country. I feel like some of this has to be because a lot of people assume that any (white) man would be better than a woman; if Hillary Clinton is running, why not Gary Johnson?

Not to be outdone, Donald Trump went full Hermione Grainger last night and told a crowd of Nevadans that it’s pronounced “nuh-VAA-daa.”

I love that his pitch is “Why settle for the lesser of two evils when you can pick me?” and the MAJORITY of his appeal to his supporters is “Well, he’s not the other two, so I guess I’ll settle on him...”

Quit being a Gary hog.


“You want me to name” the person, he said, then paused, before adding dryly, “Really.” But he declined to supply the name.

Garybelle! because he’s shaped like a.... he’s the belle of the ball! What’s he doing in a presidential election? Is he running the lights or something? 

He supports the legalization of pot.

How. HOW. HOW IS THIS GUY SO POPULAR. He seems like he’s even more popular that Nader was, and Nader actually deserved it (even if he did kind of help get the worst president ever elected...).

Literally the Ann Veal of presidential candidates. Him?

Yay! Isn’t that exactly the point of the SoL, from the victim’s perspective? You are on notice that you need to file w/in a set amount of time, not what a judge decides is equitable.

Nerd time!

And Thora Birch’d if no one reigns in her father

Is there really anything about the conditions on a TV or film set that make it a more suitable environment than, say, allowing a twelve-year-old to work a few hours a day at a department store? To me it seems like we make the exception for the sake of audiences, who enjoy watching media with child actors, rather than

It only seems extreme if you don’t think film and tv work count as “actual work”.

I was going to say “Culkin’ed”.

Poor girl. She’s gonna get Lohan’d if no one is careful with her.

This left me feeling gross. She’s a kid for fucks sake. She shouldn’t be saving her family from bankruptcy.